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7. This Agreement is intended for the benefit of said premises as well as the <br /> current owner and occupant thereof and to said end shall be binding upon and <br /> inure to the benefits of said owner and his successors in title. <br /> 8. The premises referred to herein, and to which the terms, conditions and <br /> provisions of this Agreement apply, are legally described as follows: <br /> Pa�cel 7• A part af the Northwesl'/.of lhe Southeast'/.of Seclioo 36,Township <br /> 18 North,Range 2 Easl ol lhe 3b P.M.,Macon County,Illinois,said part more <br /> particularly described as follows: The Soulh 528.90 feel of lhe Nonh 595.43 feet <br /> of lhe West 411.79 feet ol the East 441.79 feet of Ihe NOAhwest%ol lhe <br /> Soulheasl'/.of Section 36.Township 18 Norfh,Range 2 East,of Ihe 3r°P.M., <br /> EXCEPT Ihe Soulh 295.32 leel ot the North 478.64 feel of Ihe Wesl 295 feet of <br /> lhe East 325 feal of Ihe saM Northwesl'/.,Southeasl'/.Seclion 36. <br /> AND <br /> Parcel 2: A part of the Norlhwest'/.of ihe Soulheast%of Sectlon 36,Townshlp <br /> 16 North,Range 2 East ol the 3r°P.M.,more particularly described as follows� <br /> 8eginning at a poinl 478.64 feet Soufh of the NOAheasl comer of the Northwesl <br /> '/.ol the Southeast%of Sedfon 36,Township 16 North,Range 2 Eesl of fhe 3,a <br /> P.M.,and 30 feet West,said poinl befng on Ihe West Right of Way line of Covnly <br /> Highway 31:thence North 295.32 feel along said Righl of Way Iine;ihence Wesl <br /> at righl angles lo sald Righl of Way Iina 295 feal;Ihence Soulh 295.32 feel; <br /> Ihence East 295 leet lo Ihe poinl ol beginning. Situaled In Macon County, <br /> Iilinois. <br /> Dated this i c� � day of ��� �c., , 20�(� . <br /> SIG� / ! <br /> , ' �� � <br /> �_ � ., � � <br /> Owner(Si�nature) Owne (Si ) J <br /> �- ed���.� ���C! � � �-�� �o%'n/ <br /> Owner (Printed) Owner(Printed) <br /> Address: ���'� � _ � �' .�,� �a�?S�/. <br /> THE CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS <br /> .r- <br /> i'- <br /> �`--�- -— ���� <br /> iv1AYOR <br /> ATTEST: <br /> � �"� �/� , <br /> �--P�-�G� � <br /> CITY CL RK <br />