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� � <br /> MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT <br /> Management Information Services Division <br /> MEMORANDUM 2006 -03 <br /> March 16, 2006 <br /> MEMO TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br /> FROM: Steve Garman, City Manager �,,�i <br /> Gerard J. Bauer, Assistant City Manager for Administration�'(' <br /> David S. Johnston, Manager, MIS Division <br /> SUBJECT: Annual Agreement for Operating System and Database Administration, MUNIS Software <br /> SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends that City Council approve the attached resolution, <br /> authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with MUNIS <br /> Division of Tyler Technologies, Inc., for support services for Fiscal <br /> Year 2006-2007 for the server operating system and database <br /> administration support for the city's central management <br /> applications software systems. <br /> BACKGROUND: This is renewal of the annual support agreement between the City <br /> of Decatur and Tyler Technologies, Inc. that provides supplemental <br /> support services, including installation, update, configuration, <br /> performance tuning, troubleshooting, and assistance in disaster <br /> recovery related to the underlying (third-party) network server and <br /> database software upon which the MUNIS ERP System relies. The <br /> attached agreement provides for continued support of the MUNIS <br /> server systems, with standard support services as outlined in <br /> paragraph V, for the upcoming fiscal year. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTORS: None anticipated. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: None <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Gerard J. Bauer, Assistant City Manager(424-2802); <br /> David S. Johnston, MIS Manager(424-2703) <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: The $11,080.80.00 charge is in accord with the original purchase <br /> agreement approved by Council. It will be paid from the MIS Fund, <br /> reimbursed on a pro rata basis from other funds, and is within <br /> existing appropriation and budget authorizations. <br /> 2 Attachments <br />