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(1) The total sum of $250,000 for claims arising out of professional negiigence, including <br /> errors, omissions, or other professional acts, and including unintentional breach of contract; and any <br /> actual or potential environmental pollution or contamination, including, without limitation, any actual or <br /> threatened release of toxic irritant ollutant or waste ases li uids or solid materials or failure to detect <br /> , , , <br /> , P 9 q , <br /> or properly evaluate the presence of such substances, except to the extent such release, threatened I <br /> release, or failure to detect or evaluate is caused by the willful misconduct of URS; or �, <br /> (2) The total sum of $1,000,000 for claims arising out of negligence, breach of contract, or � <br /> other causes for which URS has any legal liability, other than as limited by(1)above. !, <br /> ARTICLE VI - Insurance. URS agrees to maintain during the performance of the Services: (1) statutory ' <br /> Workers' Compensation coverage; (2) Employer's Liability in the amount of $1,000,000; (3) General ' <br /> Liability in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate; and (4) Automobile <br /> Liability insurance coverage in the amount of$1,000,000. <br /> ARTICLE VII - Consequential Damaqes. Neither Party shall be liable to the other for consequential <br /> damages, including, without limitation, loss of use or loss of profits, incurred by one another or their <br /> subsidiaries or successors, regardless of whether such damages are caused by breach of contract, willful <br /> misconduct, negligent act or omission, or other wrongful act of either of them. <br /> ARTICLE VIII -Client Responsibilitv. Client shall: (1) provide URS, in writing, all information relating to <br /> Client's requirements for the project; (2) correctly identify to URS, the location of subsurface structures, <br /> such as pipes, tanks, cables and utilities; (3) notify URS of any potential hazardous substances or other <br /> health and safety hazard or condition known to Client existing on or near the project site; (4) give URS <br /> prompt written notice of any suspected deficiency in the Services; and (5) with reasonable promptness, <br /> provide required approvals and decisions. In the event that URS is requested by Client or is required by <br /> subpoena to produce documents or give testimony in any action or proceeding to which Client is a party <br /> and URS is not a party, Client shall pay URS for any time and expenses required in connection therewith, <br /> including reasonable attorney's fees. <br /> Client shall reimburse URS for all taxes, duties and levies such as Sales, Use, Value Added Taxes, Deemed <br /> Profits Taxes, and other similar taxes which are added to or deducted from the value of URS Services. For <br /> the purpose of this Article such taxes shall not include taxes imposed on URS net income, and employer or <br /> employee payroll taxes levied by any United States taxing authority, or the taxing authorities of the countries <br /> or any agency or subdivision thereof in which URS subsidiaries, affiliates, or divisions are permanently <br /> domiciled. It is agreed and understood that these net income, employer or employee payroll taxes are <br /> included in the unit prices or lump sum to be paid URS under the respective Work Order. <br /> ARTICLE IX- Force Maieure. An event of"Force Majeure"occurs when an event beyond the control of the <br /> Party claiming Force Majeure prevents such Party from fulfilling its obligations. An event of Force Majeure <br /> includes, without limitation, acts of God (including floods, hurricanes and other adverse weather), war, riot, <br /> civil disorder, acts of terrorism, disease, epidemic, strikes and labor disputes, actions or inactions of <br /> government or other authorities, law enforcement actions, curfews, closure of transportation systems or other <br /> unusual travel difficulties,or inability to provide a safe working environment for employees. <br /> In the event of Force Majeure, the obligations of URS to perform the Services shall be suspended for the <br /> duration of the event of Force Majeure. In such event, URS shall be equitably compensated for time <br /> expended and expenses incurred during the event of Force Majeure and the schedule shall be extended <br /> by a like number of days as the event of Force Majeure. If Services are suspended for thirty(30) days or <br /> more, URS may, in its sole discretion, upon 5 days prior written notice, terminate this Agreement or the <br /> affected Work Order, or both. In the case of such termination, in addition to the compensation and time <br /> extension set forth above, URS shall be compensated for all reasonable termination expenses. <br /> ARTICLE X - Right of Entrv. Client grants to URS, and, if the project site is not owned by Client, <br /> warrants that permission has been granted for, a right of entry from time to time by URS, its employees, <br /> agents and subcontractors, upon the project site for the purpose of providing the Services. Client <br /> recognizes that the use of investigative equipment and practices may unavoidably alter the existing site <br /> conditions and affect the environment in the area being studied, despite the use of reasonable care. <br /> Decatur psa.DOC Jan 30,2006 mca -2- <br />