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3 <br /> I <br /> reimbursable expenses due SIGNATURE for the reasonable costs of travel, <br /> subsistence and telephone expenses relative to this Contract. <br /> B. The total obligation of CTTY for all compensation and reimbursement to <br /> SIGNATURE under this Contract shall not exceed$200,000 inclusive the Mixed <br /> Finance Legal Services sub-contract for the Phases II & III of the Evidenriary <br /> submission and closing for the Wabash Crossing Re-development. The <br /> implementation of this contract covers the Phases II & III, and thus the contract <br /> amount in Phase II may be higher than Phase III, in anticipation that documents <br /> and negoriation completed in Phase II will otherwise be applicable in the Phase <br /> III as well. Prior to commence of this contract, Signature shall provide the City <br /> the estimated cost breakdown within the Phases II & III under this contract for <br /> informarion purpose only. <br /> C. All invoices shall be paid net 30 days by CITY unless any items are questioned <br /> therein by CTTY, in which event the disputed amount of the payment will be <br /> withheld pending verification of the amount claimed and the validation of the <br /> claim. SIGNATURE shall provide complete cooperation during any such <br /> invesrigation. <br /> Copies of all invoices shall be forwarded to the following address: <br /> The City of Decatur <br /> Address: Office of City Manager <br /> City of Decatur <br /> #1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza <br /> Decatur, IL 62523-1196 <br /> Attn: Steve Garman, City Manager <br /> D. All services provided by SIGNATURE under this Contract must be performed to <br /> the satisfaction of CITY, as determined and in accordance with all applicable <br /> federal, state and local laws,ordinances,rules and regulations. <br /> IV. CHANGES <br /> If SIGNATURE at any time believes that any direction consritutes a change in the scope vf <br /> services that would affect the terms of this Contract, it shall immediately seek clarification, in <br /> writing, from the CI'TY Project Manager. SIGNATURE shall not proceed with the changed <br /> scope of services unless CTTY and SIGNATLTRE agree in writing to the change and any <br /> associated change in cost. <br /> V. HOLD HARMELSS AND INDEIVINIFICATION <br /> CTTY shall not be liable for any da.mage or injury to the person or property of the SIGNATURE's <br /> employees, agents, partners, representative, or by-stander. SIGNATURE shall indemnify and <br /> hold harmless CTTY and its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses <br /> and expenses, arising out of SIGNATURE's work under this Contract, including but not limited <br /> to, attorney's fees, (i) arising out of or resulting from any violation, or alleged violation by <br /> SIGNATURE, of state, federal, or local law, rule, or regulation; or (ii) attributable to bodily <br /> injury, sickness, disease or death, or to injury to or destrucrion of tangible property(other than the <br />