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ITEM 11 - PROHIBITED INTERESTS <br /> Grantee and its contractors shail not enter into any contract, subcontract or <br /> arrangement in connection with the Project, or any property included or planned to <br /> be included in the Project, in which any member, officer, or employee of Grantee, or <br /> the locality in which Grantee operates, during his or her tenure in office, or for one <br /> year thereafter, has any interest, direct or indirect. If any such present or former <br /> member, officer or employee involuntarily acquires or had acquired prior to the <br /> beginning of his tenure any such interest, and if such interest is immediately <br /> disclosed to Grantee and such disclosure is entered upon the minutes of the <br /> Grantee, the Grantee may, with the prior approval of the Department, waive the <br /> prohibition herein; provided however, that any such member, officer or employee <br /> shall not participate in any action by Grantee or the locality relating to such contract, <br /> subcontract or arrangement. <br /> Grantee shall insert in all contracts related to the Project or to property included or <br /> planned to be included in the Project, and shall require its contractors to insert in <br /> each of their subcontracts, the following provision: <br /> "No member, officer, or employee of(insert Grantee's name) or of(insert <br /> name of locality in which Grantee operates) shall have during his or her tenure, <br /> or for one year thereafter, any interest, direct or indirect, in this contract or the <br /> proceeds thereunder." <br /> This Item shall not apply to any agreement between Grantee and its fiscal <br /> depositories, or to any agreement for utility senrices for which the rates are fixed or <br /> controlled by a governmental agency. <br /> ITEM 12 - NON-COLLUSION <br /> Grantee warrants that it has not paid and agrees not to pay any bonus, <br /> commission, fee, or gratuity for the purpose of obtaining any approval of its <br /> application or execution of this Agreement. <br /> No state officer or employee, or member of the Illinois General Assembly, or officer, <br /> employee or member of any unit of local government which contributes to Project <br /> funds, or immediate family member of any of the above, shall be admitted to any <br /> share or part of this Agreement or to any benefit arising thereunder. <br /> ITEM 13 - CODE OF ETHICS <br /> Grantee shall maintain a written code or standard of conduct which shall govern the <br /> performance of its officers, employees or agents engaged in the award and <br /> administration of contracts supported by state or federal funds. Such code shall <br /> provide that no employee, officer or agent of the Grantee shall participate in the <br /> selection, or in the award or administration of a contract supported by state or <br /> federal funds if a conflict of interest, real or apparent would be involved. Such a <br /> conflict would arise when any of the parties set forth below has a financial or other <br /> interest in the �rm selected for award: <br /> 6 <br />