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* . <br /> . 05/03/2006 09;14 fAX (�001/001 <br /> From:217 557 6439 Paga:3112 Oaie:811?J200511:48:59 AM <br />� � �<,. ;p,�-x-� . Pa�ti�ipant Agree�xex�t <br /> � <br /> ���� � <br /> ........ <br /> W]�RHAS,tha C}ffia of thc IIImois Stato'IYca�m+et('°I�rcasvrnr"�and ACH Dic�t„Uta("`ACH AireCf')beve cnte�ed intn a Mnsrer ServiceS <br /> A�z+etincnt Tat Tht Tltinois F�mds E-PAY Ele�trama Psymcrtt Servica V'►a Tauth TvnelNR,Intunet nnd Ovtr tho CourtDct Sciviras("NLlater Savices <br />' A�sRn�nt'�� <br /> WHEREAS.Ptusirsnt to Mn.sCet Savices A�ent,tho�Ycaaacr,Global Paymmts]?ix�Itr�("G1ob9I'�,m1d the Mcmhcr b�]c <br /> ("Mcmba'�havo entacd into aMcsChant Sawicc Agzccmcnt,includingTams mdCaAdfdcns; <br /> WHQLEAS.Treasvrer co�splttea A Mt�haM AppHeatSO�ut conneCHon wiil�the Marebant Scvice Agreeaxat,wlrieh Math�t Appli�atioa <br /> mciudod.pricm3 ca� <br /> ��, T�.t�41.'� T?!it'Jirai�.._ .i"I'ffidci�nt"}des)ra�o�cipalc ia thc T�T's Electtonic Paymenc <br /> Suv;crs 1'rogam�d�rA7'rrc Glob�l's servic�s as stated m�e Tem,s aad Candirions; <br /> NOW'I'�� eoas�idez¢ti.oa oftha mtthtAl cav�qants msd candiHo�herct�ier sa fiorth,tho pauties hento agrcc ss faI)aws <br /> I. Pwticigmut rept�srnts and w�arattts tlut it hes ra;tived e�d�ad�o Tems ead Condidoav wntamed in the UI ittois F�msls fi-Fay <br /> Pmticipxtion Tams of C.omplian�x booltict�d Yricing SeHedule. Pffitiap�t�geees that k is a"Mtrchaat"as deeddbed sud uscrt m t�e Temis and <br /> Condidoee aad agr�rs tD be bamd bytt�e Tcras nnd�ondivoas}n t�e bopkJet,Qlo pri�6lg gchodul�and mry oihsrinran,pplicieg or proctdurq <br /> Par4cip�t may reuive from tfio Trrasurcr us the fu�ra Ssid do�tuuents aro httcby.inmciwta6ed into dils Agreemeat by rrterence. <br />' Z Pardcpant regreseu�arrd w�ts that the undest,igned i8 avthoriztd b rnter i�to t�ris f�eat on fts behalf�d 4ud ull leguF <br /> Pre�equis�ces to enta3ng inio tltis Agreemart hnve b�sntisi�ed. . <br /> IlY WTI7IESS NSF.REOF,Participanc,GlOhal,Mtrnber,sud T�smrr3�ave caeh cavsad tiv6 Pardcipaai Agrxaxot tb he a <br /> ccut�l,sealed and <br /> dciivacdthis thc,,,�of ,�,20� <br /> � .�t,v pf Decatur. Illinois �Iobalpoymmt&Ai1^CCl�xnC. <br /> C`�pP�'? � <br /> � �--�'.".�r.�----�.�.�" ^ sY <br /> N�c: Roa �. Nauf e�d N�mc: Sucllyd P Tbcnay <br /> �C City Treasuxer ,�U� ���� <br /> Dai� 6129/OS <br /> - -- - - � _ � _ <br /> HSBC Bmok USA Ofnoe of the IIllnols State'neasarer <br /> B�c � � gY � <br /> �GT-�-_�,� _ <br /> N'amc: S�ellyaP Torun�' Nazna: Josh Badd <br /> Titl� Coiporad�Sxrctaryfor Glofml Paymessu Dlrecc,Tne. Tit1e: B.kpY progsm g�t <br />, � <br /> �: m � � u 1os� <br /> —.�-�.u�.���-�-� ____-� <br /> ,n:, rl.,,,„,;�n-.i r�,� <br />� <br />