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r . <br /> . � .. <br /> . .+ . . , . <br /> AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT made and entered into this 16t" day of May, 2005 by and between <br /> the City of Decatur, a municipal corporation, hereinafter referred to as City and Izaak Walton <br /> League of America, Decatur, Illinois Chapter hereinafter referred to as Izaak Walton. <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> WHEREAS, Izaak Walton is organized for the purpose of conserving, maintaining, <br /> protection and restoring the natural resources of the United States of America, including , <br /> particularly, but not exclusively, forests, soil, waters and wildlife. To promote means and I <br /> opportunities for the education of the public with respect to such resources and the enjoyment ', <br /> and wholesome utilization thereof and I <br /> WHEREAS, Izaak Walton desires to use approximately 4 acres of land owned by City in j <br /> order to promote and advance said purposes, such land being hereinafter referred to as Premises <br /> and being described as follows: <br /> Southeast Quarter (1/4) of the Southeast Quarter (1/4) of Section Thirty-Three (33), <br /> Township Seventeen (17) North, Range Three (3), East of the Third Principal Meridian, <br /> bounded on the North by Lake Decatur, on the East by the 80 foot County Highway right <br /> of way, on the South by the Decatur Park District, and on the West by Lake Decatur, as <br /> identified in Exhibit A. <br /> WHEREAS, City is agreeable to the conditions and covenants hereinafter set forth, <br /> All use of facilities or grounds shall be in the best interest of the public as shall be determined <br /> from time to time by the City Council of City. <br /> NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the above and the mutual covenants hereinafter <br /> set forth, it is agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: <br /> 1. PERMISSION AND CONDITIONS: City grants permission to Izaak Walton <br /> to use said premises on an annual basis, subject to the following covenants conditions: <br /> (A) Izaak Walton shall comply with and observe all of the applicable rules and <br /> regulations promulgated by City from time to time. <br /> (B) Izaak Walton shall use said premises only in connection with its purpose <br /> as set forth above. <br /> (C) Izaak Walton shall make no improvements, repairs or alterations of said <br /> premises without first obtaining the prior written consent of City. Where <br /> consent is granted by City, Izaak Walton shall provide adequate assurance <br /> that any plans and specifications submitted by it to City shall be strictly <br /> followed in the construction or erection of any such improvements, repairs <br /> 1 <br />