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. . . <br /> . �. , <br /> City staff reviewed the proposed offer to determine whether it wanted to accept it. This included <br /> discussing with Phil Cochran on behalf of the DPD various cost sharing options. While City staff <br /> was considering this offer the DPD proceeded to have the water main extension from West <br /> Grove Road and the connecting loop to the Wildwood Subdivision designed and advertised for <br /> bids. The DPD opened bids on May 3 and City staff was advised that the City's cost share <br /> would be approximately $12,500 subject to the final review of the bids. The low bidder was <br /> Bodine Services, Inc. The City's cost share has been increased to approximately $14,500 to <br /> reflect an increase in pipe size from a 6-inch to an 8-inch diameter water main size and <br /> corresponding resizing of some fittings. , <br /> City staff after being advised of the bid opening decided it was cost effective and timely to <br /> proceed with this project. It was determined that there would be extremely limited opportunities <br /> in the future to pursue the "looping" of the Wildwood Subdivision water main given the <br /> development of the golf course. If this project were undertaken at some later date, it would <br /> possibly involve the disruption to the golf course operations and facilities which would increase <br /> the cost of installing the water main. In situations where the City has the need to install water <br /> mains through undeveloped property it is best done concurrent with development rather than in <br /> advance of development. This avoids potential conflicts with site development and the need to <br /> relocate water mains. <br /> The DPD awarded a contract to Bodine Services, Inc., at its board meeting of May 4 for its work. <br /> Part B, the City's share, is on hold pending the approval by the City Council for the expenditure <br /> � <br /> of funds. Bodine started the installation of the Park District s water main the week of May 9. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: No known objectors. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: <br /> Information was obtained from Phillip Cochran of PWC Consulting regarding the design and <br /> City's cost share. <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: <br /> The Director of Engineering and Infrastructure, Steve Swanson, will be in attendance at the City <br /> Council meeting to answer any questions of the Council on this item. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> The funds for the City's cost share will be from the funds allocated in the Water Non Lake <br /> Capital Fund for water main extensions. <br /> attach: 2 <br /> cc: John Smith, Assistant City Manager for Public Services <br /> Keith Alexander, Director of Water Management <br /> Matt Newell, City Engineer <br /> William Clevenger, Decatur Park District <br /> Phillip Cochran, PWC Consulting <br /> Page 2 <br />