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t <br /> SS# 5491 <br /> FIRST AMENDMENT TO TIERED APPROACH <br /> TO CORRECTIVE-ACTION OBJECTIVES AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AMENDMENT is hereby made a part of the Tiered Approach to Corrective-Action <br /> Objectives Agreement, dated the 21Si day of May, 2001, between Amoco Oil Company, n/k/a BP <br /> Products North America Inc., a Maryland corporation, therein and herein called Owner/Operator, <br /> and the City of Decatur, Illinois, therein and herein called City(the "Agreement") for those <br /> portions of the City rights-of-way adjacent to the property located at 1058 North Water Street, <br /> Decatur, Illinois. <br /> WITNESSETH, that the Agreement is subject to the following terms and conditions, to wit: <br /> A. Exhibit A of the Agreement is hereby amended by removing from Exhibit A: <br /> Figures lA, 1 B, 2A and 2B, dated 1/24/O1, and replacing them with Figures 1 A, <br /> 1B and 2, dated 3/29/O5, attached hereto and incorporated herein by <br /> reference. <br /> B, Exhibit A of the Agreement is hereby amended by removing from Exhibit A: <br /> Tables 1 and 2 and replacing them with the revised Tables l, la, lb and 2, <br /> attached hereto and incorparated herein by reference. <br /> C. Exhibit B of the Agreement is hereby amended by removing from Exhibit B: <br /> Figure 3, dated 1/24/O1, and replacing it with Figure 3, dated 3/29/O5, attached <br /> hereto and incorporated herein by reference. <br /> [Remainder of this page intentionally left blank. Signature page follows.] <br />