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C. REPORT <br /> T.V. INSPECTION <br /> A report wiil be prepared documenting the techniques and equipment used and <br /> summarizing the inspection. The report will include the following: <br /> 1. Separate sheets for each run or line noting distances and locations of the <br /> following: I <br /> -Any structural damage, cracks, broken pipe, etc. <br /> -All service tie-ins and type <br /> -Manhole numbers , <br /> - Direction of flow/depth I <br /> -Depth and type of debris �, <br /> -Type of pipe and size ' <br /> -Color photos of problem areas , <br /> 2. Evaluation of existing conditions found ', <br /> 3. Video TapelCD/DVD <br /> -Complete on screen data view showing project name, date, continuous <br /> footage to nearest 0.10 ft. from starting manhole number. <br /> -Narration explaining conditions as seen. <br /> MANHOLE INVESTIGATION/EVALUATION <br /> 1. Separate form for each manhole showing the following data: <br /> -All dimensions of the manhole <br /> -All sewer line tie-ins and sizes <br /> -Direction of flow/depth <br /> - Depth and type of debris <br /> -Location and type of defects <br /> -Environmental conditions, water and atmosphere temperatures <br /> - Evaluation of existing conditions found <br /> -Color photographs <br /> SMOKE TESTING <br /> 1. Locations and color photos of points where smoke is observed escaping <br /> from pipe. Evaluation of probable cause. <br /> ADDITIONAL ANDIOR EMERGENCY INSPECTION/SURVEYS <br /> We are prepared to offer our services to the City of Decatur in the inspection and <br /> evaluation of their sanitary and storm sewer infrastructure by doing whatever it <br /> takes to provide a quality service in a professional, safe and cost-effective <br /> manner. We have and will stay focused on the City of Decatur engineering <br /> needs; emphasizing long-term, mutually beneficial relationships based on trust <br /> and respect. <br /> 1. T.V. Inspection/Survey <br /> 2. Proper documentation and preparation of all field data. <br /> 3. Evaluation of data and recommendations of repair of problem areas. <br /> 3 <br />