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, + . ATTACHMENT "A" <br /> Report on the <br /> Cost of an In-house Sewer Televising Inspection Program <br /> time and that a substantial portion of their systems have been inspected with the exception of <br /> Danville which started its in-house program within the last year or so. <br /> A major factor in determining the City's cost to do the inspection is the estimated productivity of <br /> a crew. The crew production rates in the cities we visited generally ranged from about 100,000 <br /> to 120,000 feet per year depending on the level of detail and information being recorded. It was <br /> decided we would use 120,000 feet per year for our estimating purposes which is comparable to <br /> what we were told the City of Champaign targets to complete each year. This production rate is <br /> considered by staff to be reasonable because of the lost time that can be expected from the I <br /> maintenance and repair to equipment and vehicles; prohibitive weather; emergency calls; or �� <br /> staffing shortages. <br /> A multi-year program budget was prepared by staff for an in-house sewer inspection program. <br /> The program budget accounted for the staffing, equipment, vehicles and materials considered <br /> necessary for the program to have a level of service comparable to what we now have. The <br /> following table summarizes the City's cost per foot to perform in-house inspection based on a <br /> production rate of 120,000 feet per year. <br /> Estimated Annual Budqets for In-House Sewer Inspection <br /> Cost per <br /> Estimated Adjusted foot based <br /> Total Estimated on 120,000 <br /> Program Annual feet of <br /> FY Budget Budpet Production Comment: <br /> 2006 $464,106 $254,106 $2.12 Adjusted to deduct 1/2 cost of camera truck($220,000)and the <br /> partial cost for professional services($100,000). <br /> 2007 $278,956 $253,759 $2.11 Adjusted to deduct$25,000 for non-City specialized televising. <br /> 2008 $285,759 $260,509 $2.17 Adjusted to deduct$25,250 for non-City specialized televising. <br /> 2009 $292,750 $267,247 $2.23 Adjusted to deduct$25,503 for non-City specialized televising. <br /> 2010 $324,935 $299,177 $2.49 Adjusted to deduct$25,758 for outside specialized televising. <br /> 2011 $307,320 $281,305 $2.34 Adjusted to deduct$26,015 for non-City specialized televising. <br /> 2012 $314,910 $288,635 $2.41 Adjusted to deduct$26,275 for non-City specialized televising. <br /> 2013 $322,711 $296,173 $2.47 Adjusted to deduct$26,538 for non-City specialized televising. <br /> Total $2,591,447 $2,200,911 <br /> Notes: <br /> 1. Program budget is based on a single inspection crew working for a full year and includes no costs for support <br /> services from the Municipal Service Division for cleaning, de-rooting,special assistance,etc. <br /> 2. FY 2006 is estimated based on only one-half year's production. <br /> 3. "Adjusted Estimated Annual BudgeY'excludes costs for specialized inspection by private contractors. <br /> 4. "Ad'usted Estimated Annual Bud eY'is used to com ute the Ci 's cost er foot to erform the work. <br /> The City's current contract started in FY 2004 and is renewable on an annual basis for two <br /> additional years through FY 2006. The current contract unit price for sewer inspection is $1.00 <br /> per foot and is firm for all 3 years of the contract. This unit price does not include emergency <br /> inspections (215 in FY 2004 and 128 through January of this FY), smoke testing and other <br /> special services which are more time consuming and billed on a lump sum or time and material <br /> 2of3 <br />