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grave danger or bodily harm, or a situation involving mob action, <br /> a riot, or other civil disturbance. <br /> POLICE AUTHORITY <br /> Police officers and other personnel who are providing services and assistance <br /> within the jurisdiction of another Agency shall have the following police authority <br /> and power, and be subject to the following working procedures and measures: <br /> 1. When acting pursuant to this Agreement within the jurisdiction of the <br /> requesting Agency, police officers and other personnel of a responding <br /> Agency shall therein have the same police authority and power as <br /> police officers or other personnel of the requesting Agency. <br /> 2. The Chief of Police of the Decatur Police Department or the Sheriff of <br /> the County of Dewit�� shall ��tablish working proce�ures and measures - <br /> as he or she deems necessary for the control and direction of that <br /> Agency's police officers, personnel, and equipment that are acting <br /> within the jurisdiction of the other Agency pursuant to this Agreement; <br /> provided, however, that until such working procedures and measures <br /> are established, the police officers, personnel, and equipment of a <br /> responding Agency shall be subject to the direction and control of the <br /> head of the requesting Agency. <br /> C. LIABILITY <br /> The statutes and case law of the State of Illinois shall be used to establish <br /> the liability of the parties of this Agreement for injuries caused to third <br /> parties. In the event of any injury to the person or property of the police <br /> officers or other personnel of a responding Agency, or of any injury to the <br /> property of a responding Agency, when acting pursuant to this Agreement <br /> within the jurisdiction of a requesting Agency, the governmental entity of <br /> the responding Agency shall be responsible for any damages from any <br /> liabilities arising out of such injury. <br /> D. SEVERABlLiTY <br /> If any provision of this Agreement is invalid for any reason, such <br /> invalidation shall not render invalid other provisions of this Agreement that <br /> can be given effect without the invalid provision. <br /> E. EFFECTIVE DATE <br /> This Agreement shall be effective when duly executed by the authorized <br /> representatives of the County of Dewitt and the City of Decatur. <br /> F. AMENDMENT <br /> This Agreement may be modified or amended only in writing and only by <br /> unanimous agreement of the County of Dewitt and the City of Decatur. <br />