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, � <br /> 11-17-04 <br /> MASTER AGREEMENT <br /> TIERED APPROACH TO CORRECTIVE-ACTION OBJECTIVES AGREEMENT <br /> �� � 2 �s <br /> This Agreement is entered into this ay of �Z��� �pursuant to <br /> 35 111. Admin. Code Section 742.1020 by and between (l�'Maple In estments, LLC <br /> ("Owner") and (2) Maple Investments, LLC ("Operator")referred to herein as <br /> "Owner/Operator", and the City of Decatur("City"), as follows: <br /> l. This Agreement is not binding upon the City until it is executed by the <br /> undersigned representative of the City and prior to execution, this Agreement <br /> constitutes an offer by Owner/Operator. The duly authorized representatives of <br /> Owner/Operator have signed this Agreement and this Agreement is binding upon <br /> them, their successors and assigns. <br /> 2.a. Owner/Operator is pursuing a corrective action of a Site and of the Right-of-Way <br /> adjacent to the boundary of the Site located at (2) 1350 North Main Street(the "Site"). <br /> 2.b. Attached as Exhibit A are site maps prepared by Owner/Operator which show the <br /> area of estimated contaminant impacted soil and/or groundwater at the time of this <br /> Agreement in the right-of-way above Tier 1 residential levels under 35111. Admin. Code <br /> Part 742. Also shown in Exhibit A are tables prepared by Owner/Operator showing the <br /> concentration of contaminants of concern hereafter"Contaminants," in soil and/or <br /> groundwater within the Site and which shows the applicable Tier 1 soil remediation <br /> objectives for residential property and Tier 1 objectives for groundwater of the Illinois <br /> Pollution Control Board ("IPCB")which are exceeded along the boundary of the Site <br /> adjacent to the Right-of-Way. The right-of-way, and only the right-of-way, as described <br />