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City's work in advance of that work. The Owner/Operator shall reimburse the <br /> reasonable costs incurred by the City to perform the site investigation and to dispose <br /> of any contaminated soil or groundwater, provided, however, that if notice to <br /> Owner/Operator has not been given and there was no immediate threat to health of <br /> safety, reimbursement for those costs shall be limited to $10,000.00. There is a rebuttable <br /> presumption that the Contaminants found in the highway Right-of-Way arose from the <br /> release of Contaminants from the Site. Should Owner/Operator not reimburse the <br /> reasonable costs under the conditions set forth herein, this Agreement shall be nuil and <br /> void, at the City's option, upon written notice to Owner/Operator by the City that those <br /> costs have not been reimbursed. Owner/Operator may cure that problem within twenty days by <br /> making payment, or may seek to enjoin that result. <br /> 13. Written notice required by this Agreement shall be mailed to the following: <br /> If to Owner/Operator: <br /> Name: Steve Dummermuth, Jr. <br /> Company: Maple Investments, LLC <br /> Street: P.O. Box 122 <br /> City, State,Zip: Cedar Rapids, IA 52406 <br /> If to City: <br /> Name: Mayor, City of Decatur(City of Decatur) <br /> Street: #1 Gary K. Anderson Plaza <br /> City, State,Zip: Decatur, IL 62523 <br /> 14. The City's sole responsibility under this Agreement with respect to others <br /> using the highway Right-of-Way under permit from the City is to include the foliowing, <br /> or similar language, in the future standard permit provisions and to make an <br /> effort to notify its current permit holders of the following: <br /> As a condition of this permit, the permittee shall request the <br /> Ciry Pern�it Office to ident�.sites in the Right-of-Way where <br />