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. � AMENDMENT NO. 2 TO A <br /> STATE CAPITAL GRANT AGREEMENT <br /> BETWEEN <br /> STATE OF ILLINOIS <br /> DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION <br /> DIVISION OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION <br /> AND <br /> THE CITY OF DECATUR <br /> CONTRACT NUMBER: 3264 <br /> STATE GRANT NUMBER: CAP-02-792-FED <br /> This Amendment No. 2 to an Agreement dated Februarv 14. 2002, between the State of Illinois, <br /> Department of Transportation, Division of Public Transportation and the City of Decatur, is made and <br /> entered into by and between the parties thereto. <br /> In consideration of the mutual covenants contained herein and in such Agreement, the Parties agree <br /> as follows: <br /> 1. To amend ITEM 6 by deleting paragraph 1 in iYs entirety and replacing it with the following: <br /> This grant is subject to the Illinois Grant Funds Recovery Act, 30 ILCS 705/1. This <br /> Grant is valid until Januarv 1. 2008, and grant funds are available to Grantee and may <br /> be expended by Grantee until said date unless the Department, at its discretion, <br /> grants an extension of time. Any grant funds which are not expended or legally <br /> obligated by the Grantee at the end of the grant agreement or by the expiration of the <br /> period of time grant funds are available for expenditure or obligation, whichever is <br /> earlier, shall be returned to the Department within 45 days. Project close-out shall be <br /> in accordance with ITEM 14 of this Agreement. <br /> The parties hereto agree that the Agreement dated February 14, 2002, between the Parties is in all <br /> other respects ratified and reaffirmed and that it continues in full force and effect as hereby amended. <br /> IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have ca�sed this Amendment No. 2 to be made, effective and <br /> executed as of the a��"- day of�����by their respective duly authorized officials. <br /> ccepte on behalf the Citv of Decatur: <br /> '�" LL%L�� Paul Osborne <br /> Signature of Authorized Representative Type or Print Name of Authorized Representative <br /> ATTEST• <br /> �-- � ��'Z�.�% Mayor <br /> Type or Print Title of Authorized Representative <br /> City Clerk <br /> Accepted on behalf of the State of Illinois, Department of Transportation: <br /> � <br /> Timothy W. artin,Secretary of Transport ' n <br />