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The Foundation's judgment on these matters will be final and binding. <br /> Purpose and Use of Grant <br /> This grant is for the Energy Efficiency LED Traffic Signal Upgrade Project (the "Project") <br /> described in the Project proposal and budget submitted to the Foundation by the Grantee and <br /> dated June 14, 2004. The Grantee confirms that this grant will be used solely for the specific <br /> tax-exempt purposes described in the Project proposal and budget and no substantial variance <br /> will be made without the Foundation's prior written approval. <br /> The Grantee also confirms that the Project is under its complete control and that it has and will <br /> exercise control over the process of selecting any vendors, contractors or consultants involved <br /> in the Project. The Grantee and the Foundation are not partners or joint venturers with respect <br /> to each other. <br /> Furthermore, the Grantee agrees that funds from this grant will be used exclusively for tax <br /> exempt purposes as described in Section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code and will not <br /> be used for any activities prohibited by law, including, without limitation, attempting to influence <br /> legislation or participating in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office. <br /> The Grantee agrees that it and its employees, agents and sub-contractors will comply with all <br /> applicable federal, state, county and local laws, ordinances, regulations and codes in the <br /> performance of the Gr�ntee's obligations under this Agreement. <br /> Reporting Reguirements <br /> Upon completion of the Project to the Grantee's satisfaction, the Grantee shall provide <br /> the Foundation with the various documents identified in Exhibit A attached hereto (the <br /> "Grantee Documents Required for Payment"). Promptly upon the Foundation's receipt <br /> of the Grantee Documents Required for Payment in form and substance satisfactory to <br /> the Foundation, the Foundation will send to the Grantee a check in the amount specified <br /> in the Duration and Payment of Grant section of this Agreement. <br /> Publicitv <br /> The Foundation believes it is important that many organizations and individuals in Illinois learn <br /> about the Project and the ways it benefits the publico Accordingly, the Foundation strongly <br /> encourages the Grantee to publicize the receipt of this grant and the results of the Project. <br /> Page 2 of 5 <br />