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1. STATUTORY AUTHORITY. The parties hereto enter into this Agreement <br /> pursuant to and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Illinois Municipal <br /> Code (65 ILCS 5/ 11-15.1 et seq.) and the codes and ordinances of the City. <br /> 2. ANNEXATION. (a) The Owner has filed with the City Clerk a Petition for <br /> Annexation of the Subject Property to the City conditioned upon the terms and <br /> provisions of this Agreement, which Petition has been prepared, executed and filed in <br /> accordance with the Illinois Municipal Code (65 ILCS 5/7-1-1 et seq.) and the <br /> requirements of the City. A copy of said Petition is attached hereto as Exhibit B and <br /> made a part hereof. The Owner has paid all fees and deposits required for such <br /> annexation. <br /> (b) The Owner has also filed with the City Exhibit A as a preliminary plat of <br /> subdivision of the Subject Property. <br /> (c) The City hereby agrees to annex the Subject Property to the corporate <br /> limits of the City in accordance with the applicable provisions of the Illinois Municipal <br /> Code (65 ILCS 5/7-1-1 et seq.) and the terms and conditions hereof. <br /> 3. ZONING. The Subject Property shall be zoned "R-1 Single Family <br /> Residence District", in accordance with the provisions of the City's Zoning Ordinance <br /> (Ordinance No. 3512, as amended). <br />' 4. SUBDIVISION The preliminary plat of subdivision of the Subject Property, <br /> attached hereto as Exhibit A, is hereby approved as a preliminary plat thereof for all <br /> purposes of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, with the variations therefrom as set out <br /> herein. <br /> 5. VARIATIONS. The following described variations from the Subdivision <br /> Ordinance are hereby expressly authorized for the Subject Property: � <br /> (a) The right-of-way for streets within the Subject Property shall <br /> be private with a gate at the entrance that limits access to landowners and <br /> invitees, and the City shall have no responsibility or liability for said <br /> streets. - - <br /> (b) The lighting for the streets within the Subject Property shall <br /> " be privately owned by the Owner and/or its successors and assigns, and <br /> the City shall have no responsibility or liability for the installation and <br /> maintenance costs associated with the lighting. <br /> (c) Sidewalks shall be required on only one side of a street, and <br /> the sidewalk shall be four feet wide and constructed of concrete that is five <br /> inches thick. Sidewalks must be installed prior to the issuance of a <br /> Certificate of Occupancy for the lot where the sidewalk is located. <br /> 2 . <br />