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C. Failure to maintain books, records and supporting documentation shall establish a <br /> presumption in favor of the State and/or City for the recovery of any funds paid by <br /> the State or City under this Agreement for which adequate books, records and <br /> supporting documentation are not available to support disbursement. <br /> 12. RIGHT OF AUDIT AND MONITORING <br /> The Department of Human Services and/or the City of Decatur shall monitor the sub <br /> recipient's conduct under this Agreement which may include,but shall not be limited to, <br /> reviewing records of program performance in accordance with administrative rules, <br /> license status review, fiscal and audit review, Agreement compliance and compliance <br /> with affirmative action requirements of this Agreement. <br /> The Department of Human Services and/or the City of Decatur may request, and the sub <br /> recipient will supply, upon request, necessary information and documentation regarding <br /> transactions constituting contractual (whether a written contract is in existence or not) or <br /> other relationships,paid for with funds received hereunder. Documentation may include, <br /> but is not limited to, information regarding sub recipient's contractual agreements, <br /> identity of employees, shareholders and directors of the sub recipient and any party <br /> providing services which will or may be paid for with funds received hereunder, <br /> including, but not limited to, management and consulting services rendered to the sub <br /> recipient. <br /> This does not give the Department of Human Services or the City of Decatur the right to <br /> review a license that is not directly related to the program being audited nor does it allow <br /> the Department of Human Services or the City to unilaterally revoke a license without <br /> complying with all due process rights the sub recipient is entitle to under Federal, State, <br /> and local law or applicable rules promulgated by the Department of Human Services or <br /> the City of Decatur. <br /> 13. RF.PORTIN('T RFOLTT_RFMENTS <br /> Providers agree to submit programmatic reports as requested and in the format required <br /> the Deparhnent (DHS)with a copy submitted to the City of Decatur. Failure to submit <br /> reports may cause a delay in funding. <br /> 14. AUDIT REOIJIREMENTS <br /> The sub recipient will annually submit an independent audit report and/or supplemental <br /> revenue and expense date to the City of Decatur and/or the Department of Human <br /> Services in accordance with 89 I11 Adm Code, 507 (audit Requirements of the <br /> Department of Human Services), to enable the city or DHS to perform fiscal monitoring <br /> and to account for the usage of funds paid to the sub recipient under this Agreement. For <br /> those organizations required to submit and independent audit report,the audit is to be <br />