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MACON COUi�TTY BOARD RESOLUTION <br /> APPROVING THE DECATL'R ENTERPRISE ZONE <br /> INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT <br /> RESOLUTION NO. G2674-5-04 <br /> This Agreement is made this 13th day of May, 2004, by and between the city of Decatur <br /> and Macon County. <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Decatur (hereinafter referred to as "City") and Macon County ' <br /> (hereinafter refened to as "County") have adopted ordinances and resolutions establishing an <br /> Enterprise Zone (hereinafter collectively referred to as "the Ordinance") including incorporated <br /> portions of the City of Decatur and unincorporated portions of the County; and, <br /> WI�REAS, the Ordinance was part of an application to the State of Illinois Department <br /> of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (hereinafter refened to as "the Department") for <br /> designation of an Enterprise Zone Act pursuant to Section 18-170 of the Property Tax Code (35 <br /> ILCS 200-170) hereinafter referred to as "Act"; and <br /> WHEREAS, the City of Decatur Enterprise Zone was certified by the State of Illinois <br /> Department of Commerce and Community affairs on July 1, of 1983 ; and recertified for an <br /> additional ten year period beginning 3uly 1, 2003; and <br /> W��REAS, the City and the County desire to operate tfie Enterprise Zone in an efficient <br /> and effective manner in keeping with the terms of the Act and rules and regulations promulgated <br /> by the Department for the operation of an Enterprise Zone. <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing premises and the mutual <br /> promises hereinafter recited, the City and the County agree that the following terms shall govern <br /> the operation and management of the Enterprise Zone. <br /> SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS <br /> A. The ar�a as previously described in E�ibit "A" shall be designated as the Enterprise <br /> Zone. <br /> B. The name of the Enterprise Zone shall be the Decatur Enterprise Zone. <br /> C. The Enterprise Zone shall be in effect until midnight on June 30 of the 30th year (the <br /> year of 2013), unless decertified by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic <br /> Opportunity or repealed by ordinance of the participating government entities. <br /> D. The administration of the Enterprise Zone shall be under the jurisdiction of the City <br /> of Decatur as outlined in the administrative agreement with the Economic Development <br /> Corporation of Decatur and Macon County, herinafter referred to as the EDC. <br /> �'���� <br /> 3�:�yy � `� ����$ <br /> STEPFfEN M. B'�AN <br /> COUN7Y CLERK.MACON COUNTY <br />