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will include a reference to the support provided herein in all publications made possible <br /> with funds made available under this contract. <br /> G. Amendments <br /> The City or Subrecipient may amend this Agreement at any time provided that such <br /> amendments make specific reference to this Agreement, and are executed in writing, <br /> signed by a duly authorized representative of both organizations, and approved by the <br /> City Council. Such amendments shall not invalidate this Agreement, nor relieve ar <br /> release the City or the Subrecipient from its obligations under this Agreement. <br /> The City may, in its discretion, amend this Agreement to conform with federal, state ar <br /> local governmental guidelines, policies and available funding amounts, or for other <br /> reasons. If such amendments result in a change in the funding, the scope of services, or <br /> schedule of, the activities to be undertaken as part of this Agreement, such modifications <br /> will be incorporated only by written amendment signed by both the City and the <br /> Subrecipient. <br /> H. Suspension or Termination <br /> Either party may terminate this contract at any time by giving written notice to the other <br /> party of such termination and specifying the effective date thereof at least 30 days before <br /> the effective date of such termination. Partial termination of the Scope of Service in <br /> para�raph 1.A above may only be undertaken with the prior approval of grantee. In the <br /> event of any termination for convenience, all finished or unfinished documents, data, <br /> studies, surveys, maps, models, photographs, reports or other materials prepared by the <br /> Subrecipient under this Agreement shall, at the option of the City, become the property of <br /> the City, and the Subrecipient shall be entitled to receive just and equitable compensation <br /> for any satisfactory work completed on such documents or materials prior to the <br /> termination_ _ <br /> The City may also suspend or terminate this Agreement, in whole or in part, if the <br /> �ubrecipient materially fails to comply with any term of this Agreement, or with any of <br /> the rules, regulations, or provisions referred herein; and the City may declare the <br /> �ubrecipient ineligible for any further participation in City contracts, in addition to other <br /> remedies provided by law. In the event there is probable cause to be�ieve the <br /> Subrecipierit is in noncompliance with any applicable rules or regulations, the City may <br /> withhold future payment of said contract funds until such time as the Subrecipient is <br /> found to be in compliance by the City, or is otherwise adjudicated to be in compliance. <br /> VIII. ADMINISTRATIVE REQUIREMENTS <br /> A. Financial Mana�ement <br /> 1. Accountin� Standards <br /> The Subrecipient agrees to comply with Subpart C.21, Standards for financial <br /> management systems, of OMB Circular A-110 and agrees to adhere to the <br /> Subrecipient�greement (Rev. OS/06/02 LJL:bb) Page 5 of 17 <br />