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Many of the repairs anticipated to be partial depth (i.e. 1"- 2" of the deck surface or ceiling is <br /> removed) have proven to be full depth requiring removal and replacement of the whole deck. <br /> This full depth work is more involved than partial depth repairs and are correspondingly more <br /> costly. Unit prices for full depth repairs are set at $50 per square foot vs. $15 - $25 per square <br /> foot for partial depth floor and ceiling repairs respectively. If the deck is fully repaired as <br /> originally intended, the total cost of the project could go as high as $600,000 which is $134,332 <br /> over the awarded amount of$465,668. <br /> Full depth repairs provide a solid replacement and a more complete repair when compared with <br /> partial depth repairs. The end product will be a more sound parking deck that will last years <br /> longer than the life anticipated for partial depth repairs. In addition, the water proof inembrane <br /> that will be installed at the completion of the project will prevent much of the water intrusion <br /> into the deck that has occurred over the years. <br /> This change order did not result from a contractor request or engineering error; rather, it is a <br /> matter of the imprecise technology associated with concrete structure restoration issues. <br /> If Council chooses not to authorize the added expenditure for the necessary repairs, it will be <br /> necessary to curtail the repairs made to the 2nd and 3rd floors of the parking structure and <br /> complete these repairs in future years as funding becomes available. At the current time,the City <br /> is in possession of a low bid for the work and has an experienced parking garage rehabilitation <br /> contractor on site, and it is likely that prices will not be any lower in the future. Staff <br /> recommends that repairs continue and the deck reconstruction efforts be fully completed. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections to this agreement. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: None <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Matt Newell, City Engineer at 424-2747 <br /> The City Engineer, Matt Newell, will be in attendance at the City Council meeting to answer any <br /> questions of the Council on this item. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> Funding for this project is currently being taken from the General Capital Fund which currently <br /> has a budgetary allocation of $500,000. The additional funding, up to $100,000, required to <br /> complete the work is proposed to be drawn from the $250,000 originally allocated for the <br /> Charles Street Sanitary Sewer Extension which was canceled by the City Council earlier this <br /> year. <br /> Page 2 <br />