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All Requisitions must be accompanied by appropriately supporting documentation, <br /> including, as applicable, verified bills or statements of suppliers, contractors, or professionals, lien waivers <br /> and contractor affidavits. <br /> The City Manager (or designee, as the case may be), shall approve or disapprove a <br /> Requisition by written notice to the Developer within five(5) business days after receipt of the Requisition. <br /> Approval of a Requisition will not be unreasonably withheld. If a Requisition is disapproved, the reasons <br /> for approval will be set forth in writing; and the Developer may resubmit the Requisition with such <br /> additional information as may be required, and the same procedures as set forth herein for initial <br /> submission shall apply to such resubmittals. <br /> The Municipality and the Developer aclmowledge that the determination of the <br /> qualification of Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs, the Area and the Redevelopment Plan and Project <br /> and, therefore, qualification for payment and/or reimbursement under this Agreement are subject to <br /> changes made by amendments to the Act, opinions of counsel with experiences in connection with TIF and <br /> municipal finance, administrative rules, and judicial or other inteipretations during the term of this <br /> Agreement, and the Municipality has no obligation to the Developer to attempt to modify those decisions <br /> but will assist the Developer as to obtaining approval of Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs. The <br /> Developer assumes all risks related to qualification of Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs, the Area and <br /> the Redevelopment Plan and Project or the Development Project. <br /> 4. VERIFICATION OF TAX INCREMENT <br /> It shall be the sole responsibility of the Developer to provide to the Municipality as <br /> requested,the following: <br /> (a) The Illinois Business Identification Nuxnber of the business or businesses constituting <br /> the Development Project and within the Development Area. <br /> (b) Certified copies of real estate tax bills for the tax year prior to the calendar year of this <br /> Agreement, and annually thereafter, certified copies of all paid real estate tax bills for the immediately <br /> preceding real estate tax year on each tax parcel constituting the Development Area. <br /> The failure of the Developer to provide any information required in this Agreement sha.11 <br /> be considered a material breach of this Agreement and shall be sufficient cause for the Municipality to deny <br /> payments under this Agreement 10 or in respect of the Developer, which payments are expressly <br /> conditioned upon the receipt of the foregoing information. <br /> 5. LIMITED OBLIGATION <br /> The Municipality's obligations under this Agreement to pay debt service on any Note <br /> and/or to pay or reimburse the Developer for Eligible Redevelopment Project Costs is a special and limited <br /> obligation, to be paid solely from funds on deposit in the Special Account of the Fund, and not otherwise. <br /> � Any such obligation does not now and shall never constitute an indebtedness of the Municipality within the <br /> meaning of any constitutional or statutory provision and shall not constitute or give rise to a pecuniary <br /> liability of the Municipality or a charge or lien against the Municipality's general credit, funds, taxing <br /> power or otherwise, a condition precedent to the Municipality's execution hereof and to which the <br /> Developer hereby inevocably assents. <br /> Page 3 of 15 <br />