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B. Flood Disaster Protection <br /> NHDC agrees to comply with the requirements of the requirements of the Flood <br /> Disaster Protection Act of 1973 (P.L.-2234) in regard to the sale, lease or other transfer <br /> of land acquired, cleared or improved under the terms of this contract, as it may apply to <br /> the provisions of this contract. <br /> C. Lead Based Paint <br /> NHDC agrees that any construction or rehabilitation of residential structures with <br /> assistance provided under this contract shall be subject to the Lead-Based Paint <br /> Poisoning Prevention Act (42 U.S.C. 4821 et se .) and 24 CFR part 35. Such <br /> regulations pertain to all units and common areas of the project. NHDC shall <br /> ensure that all subcontractors on the projects comply with these provisions. <br /> D. Historic Preservation <br /> NHDC agrees to comply with the Historic Preservation requirements set forth in <br /> the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, as amended (16 U.S.C. 470), the <br /> procedures set forth in 36 CFR, Part 800, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation <br /> Procedures for Protection of Historic Properties, and the local historic district code as <br /> established in Chapter 31 of the Decatur City Code, insofar as they apply to the <br /> performance of this contract. <br /> In general, this requires concurrence from the State Historic Preservation Officer for all <br />' rehabilitation and demolition of historic properties that are fifty years old ar older or that <br /> are included on a federal, state, or local historic property list. <br /> IX. SPECIAL CONDITIONS <br /> A. General Compliance <br /> NHDC agrees to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws, codes, <br /> ordinances, and regulations governing the funds provided under this contract. <br /> B. Independent Contractor <br /> Notl�ing contained in this agreement is intended to, or shall be construed in any manner, <br /> as creating or establishing the relationship of employer/employee between the parties. <br /> NHDC shall at all times remain an independent contractor with respect to the <br /> services to be performed under this Agreement. The City shall be exempt from payment <br /> of all unemployment compensation, FICA, retirement, life and/or medical insurance and <br /> workers' compensa'tion insurance as NHDC is an independent contractor. <br /> C. Hold Hannless <br /> NHDC shall hold harmless, defend and indemnify the City from any and all claim, <br /> actions, suits, charges and judgments whatsoever that arise out of NHDC <br /> performance or nonperformance of the services or subject matter called for in this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 6 <br />