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GRANT OF EASEMENT ,� <br /> The Grantor, City of Decatur, of the County of Macon and State of Illinois, for and in <br /> consideration of the sum of$336.00 for a permanent easement, the receipt of which is hereby <br /> acknowledged, conveys and warrants to Real Estate Investors of Decatur, LLC (Grantee), its <br /> successors and assigns, a permanent easement, for the purpose of constructing,maintaining, and <br /> repairing, operating and protecting an emergency exit for the building commonly known as: 134 <br /> East Main Street, Decatur, Illinois 62523, said easement to be shown on the attached plat, which <br /> plat is made a part of this Agreement, on, under, over, and across the following described <br /> property: <br /> The South Eight(8) feet of the West 42 feet of Lot Nine (9) of Assessor's <br /> Resurvey of Part of Block Two (2) of Decatur Original Town <br /> together with the perpetual right of access, ingress, and egress at all reasonable times to and from <br /> the property herein described for the purpose aforesaid. <br />, It is expressly covenanted and agreed between the Grantor and the Grantee herein, and as <br /> covenants running with the land herein described, as follows: <br /> (1) That this easement is for an emergency exit for the building commonly known as <br />� 134 East Main Street in Decatur, Macon County,Illinois. <br /> (2) During the period of construction,the Grantee shall have the right to use the City <br /> of Decatur Public Right-of-Way North and East of the easement area. Grantee <br /> shall notify the Grantor when construction shall commence. Grantee agrees that <br /> construction shall be concluded within 30 days of the notice that construction has <br /> commenced. <br /> (3) No permanent building or structure shall ever be constructed by the Grantor or <br /> his,her, their, or its successors in interest, on said permanent easement, provided, <br /> however,the Grantor or its successors may use said strip of land for emergency <br /> purposes or to construct infrastructure, utilities or public safety improvements <br /> which shall not permanently interfere with Grantee's easement use. <br /> (4) Said facilities used in connection therewith shall be installed and maintained at <br /> Grantee's sole risk and expense, with due diligence and in a workmanlike manner, <br /> and Grantee shall indemnify and save Grantor harmless from any loss, damage, or <br /> injury to person or property arising out of the Grantee's operations hereunder, <br />