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> ! <br /> . . . , <br /> Page 2 <br /> The proposed study will result in a report that will define design quantities for storm water runoff <br /> issuing from the area and will identify potential prioritized drainage improvements that will <br /> accommodate the design runoff. <br /> Following the design study process, staff will likely request PWC to propose on a final design <br /> that will prepare plans and specifications for the construction of area drainage improvements. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections to this agreement. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Phillip W. Cochran Consulting Engineer <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Matt Newell, City Engineer at 424-2747 <br /> The City Engineer, Matt Newell, will be in attendance at the City Council meeting to answer any <br /> questions of the Council on this item. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> Funding for this project will come from the General Capital Fund. The proposed agreement is <br /> for a fee not to exceed$13,900. <br /> A final report, with recommendations, should be received from PWC within 4 months. <br /> attach: 3 <br /> cc: John Smith, Assistant City Manager of Public Services <br /> A.J. Krieger, Assistant City Manager <br /> Phil Cochran, PWC <br />