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� t <br /> MOUND ROAD/ROUTE 51 <br /> INTERSECTION DESIGN STUDY <br /> ENGINEERING SERVICE AGREEMENT <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into the � / �day o# December, A.D., 2002, by <br /> and befinreen the CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS, hereinafter referred to as the "CITY" and <br /> BLANK, WESSELINK, COOK & ASSOCIATES, INC., hereinafter referred to as the <br /> "ENGINEER", covers professional engineering services in connection with Mound Road/Route <br /> 51 Intersection Design Study. <br /> WITNESSETH THAT, in consideration of these premises and of the mutual covenants <br /> herein set forth, <br /> The ENGINEER AGREES, <br /> 1. Enqineerinq Services—To perform or be responsible for the performance of the professional <br /> engineering services for the CITY as described by Enclosure (1), Blank, Wesselink, Cook& <br /> Associates, Inc. letter, dated October 30, 2002. <br /> 2. That all reports, studies, tracings, plans, aerial survey plans, reconnaissance data, cost <br /> estimates, maps, contract documents, including right-of-way and easement documents, to <br /> be fumished by the ENGINEER in accordance with Enclosure (1) to Section 1 of THE <br /> ENGINEER AGREES shall be in accordance with the current standard specifications and <br /> policies of the CITY, it being understood that all such reports, studies, tracings, plans, aerial <br /> survey plans, reconnaissance data, cost estimates, maps, contract documents, including <br /> right-of-way and easement documents shall, before being finally accepted, by subject to <br /> approval by the CITY. During the perFormance of the engineering services herein provided <br /> for, the ENGINEER shall be responsible for any loss or damage to the documents herein <br /> enumerated while they are in the ENGINEER's possession and any such loss or damage <br /> shall be restored at the ENGINEER's expense. <br /> 3. To attend conferences to be held at the request of the CITY and visit the site of the work at <br /> any reasonable time when requested to do so by the CITY. <br /> 4. That reports, studies, tracings, plans, aerial survey plans, reconnaissance data, cost <br /> estimates, maps, contract documents, including right-of-way and easement documents, and <br /> other documents prepared by the ENGINEER in accordance with the AGREEMENT shall be <br /> delivered to and become the property of the CITY and that basic survey notes, sketches, <br /> charts, and other data prepared or obtained in accordance with the AGREEMENT shall be <br /> made available, upon request, to the CITY, without restriction or limitation as to their use. <br /> 5. That should the CITY require changes to the contract documents after they have been <br /> completed in accordance with the contract or as a result of policy changes by the CITY <br /> during the time work is underway the CITY shall pay the ENGINEEER for such extra work in <br /> accordance with Section 2 of THE CITY AGREES. <br /> It is understood that "changes" as used in this section means basic changes in location or <br /> design and that the provisions of this section shall in no way relieve the ENGINEER of his <br /> responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set of documents satisfactory to the <br /> C ITY. <br /> - 1 - <br />