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� <br /> , <br /> OPINION OF COUNSEL <br /> FOR THE CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS <br /> RE: OPERATING GRANT AGREEMENT NO. 3319 <br /> STATE GRANT NUMBER: OP-03-08-IL <br /> I, John W. Couter, do hereby certify that I am an attorney licensed by and duly admitted to <br /> ractice law in the State of Illinois and am Co oration C n <br /> P , ou sel and attorne for the Cit of <br /> � Y Y <br /> Decatur, Illinois. In this capacity, my opinion has been requested relative to the eligibility of the <br /> - Cit of Decatur for ant assistance un r <br /> y gr de the provisions of the Illinois Downstate Public <br /> Transportation Act, 30 ILCS 740/2-1 et sea. ("Act"). I have also reviewed the Downstate <br /> Operating Assistance Grant A eement contract #3319 "A eement" tendered b the State of <br /> �' , , � �' ) Y <br /> Illinois ("State") to the City of Decatur. You are hereby advised as follows: <br /> 1. The City of Decatur is an eligible"participanY'as defined in the Act. <br /> 2. There are no provisions in the charter or by-laws of the City of Decatur, or in the <br /> statutes of the State, the United States of America, or any municipal ordinances, that <br /> preclude or prohibit it from entering into such Agreement. <br /> 3. The City of Decatur is fully empowered and authorized to enter into the aforementioned <br /> grant Agreement and that Agreement, when executed by both parties, will be legally <br /> binding upon the City of Decatur and its successors and assigns. <br /> 4. The undersigned has no knowledge of any pending or threatened litigation, in either <br /> Federal or State courts, which would adversely affect this grant Agreement, or which <br /> would prevent the City of Decatur from contracting with the State for the purpose of <br /> receiving a Downstate Operating Assistance Grant. <br /> Based upon the foregoing, I am of the opinion that the City of Decatur is an eligible recipient <br /> under the provisions of the Act, and that it is fully empowered and authorized to accept the grant <br /> from the State. <br /> .� �' <br /> � ohn W. Couter, Corporation Counsel Date <br /> �' City of Decatur, Illinois <br />