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29. RENEWAL <br /> This Agreement may be renewed unilaterally by the Department for additional periods. The <br /> Provider aclrnowledges that this Agreement does not create any expectation of renewal. <br /> 30. AMENDMENTS <br /> This Agreement may be mod�ed or amended at any time during its term by mutua.l consent of <br /> the parties, expressed in writing, and signed by the parties. <br /> 31. SEVERABILITY <br /> If any provision of this Agreement is declared invalid, its other provisions shall not be <br /> affected thereby. <br /> 32. WAIVER <br /> No failure of the Department to assert any right or remedy hereunder will act as a waiver of <br /> its right to assert such right or remedy at a later time nor constitute a"course of business"upon <br /> which Provider may rely, for the purpose of denial of such a right or remedy to the <br /> Deparimen� <br /> 33. LAWS OF ILLINOIS <br /> This Agreement shall be govemed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of <br /> Illinois and all subsequent amendments. <br /> 34. STATUTORY/REGULATORY COMPLIANCE <br /> This Agreement and the Provider's obligations and services hereunder are hereby made and <br /> must be performed in compliance with all applicable federal and state laws, federal <br /> regulations, state administrative rules, including any and all licensure and/or professional <br /> certification provisions. <br /> -10- <br />