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15. TERMINATION OF THE AGREEMENT <br /> Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time,for any reason,upon not less than thirty <br /> (30) days written notice to the other party. The Department may terminate this Agreement <br /> immediately in the event the Provider substantially or materially breaches the Agreement. <br /> Provider shall be paid for work satisfactorily completed prior to the date of termination. <br /> 16. POST-TERMINATION/NON-RENEWAL <br /> Upon notice by the Department to the Provider of the termination of this Agreement or notice <br /> that the Department will not renew,extend or exercise any options to extend the term of this <br /> contract, or that the Department will not be contracting with Provider beyond the term of this <br /> Agreement,the Provider shall,upon demand: <br /> A. Cooperate with the Department in assuring the transition of recipients of services <br /> hereunder for whom Provider will no longer be providing the same or similar services <br /> or who chose to receive services through another provider. <br /> B. Provide copies of all records related to recipient services funded by the Deparnnent <br /> under this Agreement <br /> C. Grant reasonable access to the Department to any and all program sites serving <br /> recipients hereunder to facilitate interviews of recipients to assure a choice process <br /> by which recipients may indicate Provider preference. <br /> D. Provide detailed accounting of all service recipients'funds held in trust by Provider, <br /> as well as the identity of any recipients for whom Provider is acting as a <br /> representative payee of last resort. <br /> The promises and covenants of this,specifically,shall survive the term of . <br /> this Agreement for the purposes of the necessary transition of recipients of services <br /> hereunder. ' <br /> 17. SUBCONTRACTS <br /> The Provider may not subcontract any portion of this Agreement nor delegate any duties <br /> hereunder without prior written Depamnental approval.In emergencies,the Provider will <br /> request approval in writing within 7 days of the use of a subcontractor to fulfill any obligations <br /> of this Agreement. Approved subcontractors shall adhere to all other provisions of this <br /> Agreement. <br /> 18. NOTICE OF CHANGE <br /> The Provider shall give 30 days prior written notice to the Department (conta.ct person[s] <br /> listed on Attachment[s]),ifthere is a change in the Provider's legal status,federal employment <br /> identification number(FEIN)or address. The Department reserves the right to take any and <br /> all appropriate action. <br /> The Provider agrees to hold harmless the Department, for any acts or omissions by the <br /> Depamnent,resulting from the Provider's failure to notify the Depamnent of these changes. <br /> In the event the Provider, its parent or related corporate entity, becomes a party to any <br /> -7- <br />