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� DIRECTIONAL ANTENNA: An antenna or array of antennas designed to concentrate a radio <br /> signal in a particular area. <br /> DISH ANTENNA: An antenna with a concave surface used to link communications sites <br /> together by wireless transmission or voice or data. Also called microwave antenna or <br /> microwave dish antenna. <br /> DISTRICT: Any section of the City of Decatur for which the zoning regulations governing the <br /> use of buildings and premises,the height of buildings, the size of yards, and the intensity of <br /> use are uniform. <br /> DORMITORY,FRATEI2NITY HOUSE OR SORORITY HOUSE. A building in which <br /> sleeping rooms are provided for occupancy by, and maintained as, a place of residence <br /> � exclusively for, students affiliated with an accredited college or university,which may offer <br /> meals,when authorized and regulated by such institution. Sepazate living quarters with <br /> cooking facilities may be designed for the resident manager only. <br /> DRNE-UP OR DRNE-THROUGH FACILITY: A building or portion thereof which is <br /> designed to provide, either wholly or in part, service to customers in vehicles that are parked <br /> or stacked in a service lane. This definition includes,but is not limited to, facilities at drive- <br /> in restaurants, drive-in banks, drive-up windows at drug stores, and similaz uses. <br /> DUPLEX: See Dwelling Unit, Two Family <br /> DWELLING, NIULTIPLE: A single, freestanding conventional building containing three (3) or <br /> � more dwelling units. <br /> DWELLING, SINGLE FAMILY: A single, freestanding conventional building coritaining a <br /> single dwelling unit and designed for or occupied exclusively by one (1) family only. <br /> DWELLING UI�TIT: A room or rooms connected together which constitute a separate, <br /> independent housekeeping establishment for one(1) family, for owner occupancy, or for <br /> rental or lease , and physically separated from other rooms or suites which may be located in <br /> the same structure, containing at a minimum one (1) sleeping room, one (1)bathroom, and <br /> one(1)kitchen. This definition does not include rooms in hotels,motels, or institutional <br /> facilities. <br />, DWELLING,TWO FAMII.Y: A single, freestanding conventional building containing two (2) <br />� dwelling units. �I <br /> DRIVEWAY: A private roadway providing access to a street or highway. <br /> ESSENTIAL SERVICES: The erection, construction, alteration, or maintenance(by a public or <br /> private utility company for the purpose of fumishing adequate service by said company for <br /> the public health, safety, or general welfare) of electrical and communication cables,poles <br /> and wires, and water and sewer collection, transmission and distribution mains, drains, and <br /> pipes, including fire hydrants. This definition does not include wireless telecommunications <br /> facilities as regulated by this Ordinance. <br /> EXTRACTION USES: Uses that require the alteration of the surface of the earth, including the <br /> excavation,removal, stripping, surface mining, or quarrying of top soil, soil, earth, sand, <br /> � rock, gravel, clay, coal, minerals, ores, or similar substances; or the surface location of shafts, <br /> 9 <br />