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square foot. For purposes of this ordinance, footcandles shall be measured at a horizontal � <br /> point at grade. <br /> FOSTER HOME: A home licensed or regulated, or both,by the State of Illinois, or some <br /> department, division or bureau thereof,where juveniles are placed by court order; or by the <br /> State of Illinois Department of Corrections or Department of Children and Family Services. <br /> FREEZER AND LOCKER MEAT PROVIDERS: establishments that offer meat products on a <br /> bulk basis for freezer storage,primarily at retail sale. <br /> FRONTAGE: That portion of a lot extending along a street line, or in the case of lots facing <br /> cul-de-sacs, the portion of the lot extending along the building setback line. <br /> FLJNERAL HOME: A building used for the preparation of the deceased for burial and the <br /> display of the deceased and rituals connected therewith before burial or cremation. A funeral <br /> home may include a mortuary and/or a crematory within the primary structure. <br /> GARAGE, PRIVATE: Any accessory building or portion thereof designed or used for the <br /> storage of privately owned motor-driven vehicles owned and used by the occupants of the <br /> building to which it is accessory, and not storing more than one truck or commercial vehicle <br /> or any vehicle which exceeds a two-ton capacity. <br /> GARAGE, STORAGE OR PARKING: A building or portion thereof other than a private garage <br /> designed or used exclusively for term storage by pre-arrangement of motor-driven vehicles, <br /> or for daily storage furnished to transients, and within which motor fuels and oils may be <br /> sold,but no motor-driven vehicles are equipped, repaired, hired or sold. <br /> GARDENING, COOPERATIVE: The cultivation of plants, including flowers, vegetables, trees, � <br /> and shrubs for non-commercial purposes on the same site by persons or families not residing <br /> on the site. <br /> GASOLINE STATION: A business engaged primarily in retail sales of automotive fuels,which <br /> may or may not include automobile repair and service as an ancillary service. This definition <br /> also permits the sale of convenience food or beverage and similar items in addition to <br /> gasoline sales. See also Automobile Service Station, Convenience Food and Beverage <br /> Store, and Convenience Food and Beverage Store, 24 Hours. <br /> GLARE - The effect produced by the intensity and direction of any artificial illumination <br /> sufficient to cause annoyance, discomfort, or temporary loss or impairment of vision. <br /> GOVERNMENT BUILDING: A facility for the purpose of housing any department, <br /> commission, independent agency or instrumentality of the United States, of a state, county, <br /> incorporated or unincorporated municipality, township, authority, district or other <br /> governmental unit. <br /> GOVERNMENT USE: Any land, building, structure, or activity, regardless of actual ownership, <br /> operated by the city, county, state, or federal government or legally empowered special <br /> district that is necessary to the conduct of government or the fizrnishing of public <br /> infrastructure or services over which such government exercises direct and complete control. <br /> GRADE: For the purposes of Section XXVII, Wireless facilities, the lowest point of elevation of <br /> the finished surface of the ground,paving or sidewalk within the area between the structure � <br /> and the property line or, when the property line is more than 5 feet from the structure, <br /> 12 <br />