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� LODGE: See Clubs: Club, fraternal. <br /> LODGING HOUSE: See Boarding or lodging house. <br /> LONG-TERM CARE FACILITY: An institution, or a distinct part of an institution,that is <br /> licensed or approved to provide health care under medical supervision for twenty-four(24) or <br /> more consecutive hours to patients who are not related to the governing authority or its <br /> members by blood,marriage, or adoption. <br /> LOT: A tract,plot, or portion of a subdivision or other parcel of land intended as a unit for the <br /> purpose,whether immediate or future, of transfer of ownership, or possession, or for building <br /> development. <br /> LOT, CORNER: A lot abutting upon two or more intersecting streets. <br /> LOT,DOUBLE FRONTAGE: A lot having frontage on two non-intersecting streets as <br /> distinguished from a corner lot. <br /> LOT LINES: The lines bounding a lot as defined below: <br /> Front Lot Line: In the case of an interior lot, the line sepazating such lot from the street right- <br /> of-way. In the case of a corner lot, the front lot line shall be the lot frontage of the least <br /> dimension. In the case of a double frontage lot,the line abutting.the street on which the main <br /> building is addressed shall be the front lot line. <br /> Rear Lot Line: The line most opposite the front lot line. In the case of a lot that is pointed at , <br /> the rear,the rear lot shall be an imaginary line parallel to the front lot line, not less than ten <br /> � feet long, lying furthest from the front lot line and wholly within the lot. <br /> Side Lot Line: Any lot line other that the front or rear lot line. A side lot line separating a lot <br /> from another lot is an interior lot line. On a corner lot,the line abutting a street which is not <br /> the front lot line is the corner side lot line. <br /> LOT OF RECORD: A lot that is part of a subdivision or government lot, the plat of which has <br /> been recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Macon County; or, a parcel of land, <br /> the deed to which was recorded in the office of the Recorder of Deeds of Macon County. <br /> LOT WIDTH: The width of the lot at the building line. <br /> 1��IANUFACTURED HOME: A factory-built single family structure that meets the National <br /> Manufactured Home Construction and Safety Standards Act (42 USC Sec. 5401), commonly <br /> known as the HCTD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) code, or its <br /> successor statute as enacted by Congress. <br /> MANUFACTURING,HEAVY: The conversion of raw, extracted or partially processed <br /> materials into a product used for further processing or distribution or the storage or <br /> manufacturing processes which have the potential to create offensive environmental <br /> conditions. Examples of heavy manufacturing include lumber and paper mills, stone, clay, <br /> and glass product manufacturing, asphalt and concrete batch plants,poultry dressing, fat <br /> rendering plants, stockyards, slaughterhouses, tanneries, acid manufacture, distillation of <br /> bones, fertilizer manufacture,petroleum refineries, glue manufacture and similar operations. <br /> � These uses may be conducted partially or wholly outdoors and may create noxious by- <br /> products such as dust, fumes, offensive odors, hazardous waste products, noise, vibration and <br /> glare. <br /> 15 <br />