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2. The existing members and the petitioning entity must reach mutual agreement regarding <br /> voting powers and any other factors considered relevant. Decisions on issues involving the <br /> use of Federal funds should continue to require a majority approval of no less than the total <br /> Policy Committee membership, minus one; <br /> 3. The entity desiring membership must make a formal written request to the Policy <br /> Committee for consideration of inembership. <br />, Article 13. New Membership Criteria and Terms — Technical Committee <br />' Technical Committee membership may occasionally need to be changed or added to in response <br /> to changes in local government structure or changes in transportation planning emphasis. The <br /> Policy Committee by unanimous agreement of its members shall have the authority, without <br /> qualification to change or add Technical Committee members. The Policy Committee may also '�, <br /> appoint new Technical Committee members by simple majority vote if the entity meets all of the '! <br /> following criteria: <br /> 1. The entity provides transportation services or has comprehensive land use and/or <br /> transportation planning responsibility, totally or partially, within the Decatur Urbanized <br /> Area; <br /> 2. The entity is eligible to receive, directly or indirectly, funds from the U.S. Department of <br /> Transportation and/or the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; <br /> 3. The entity is able to contract with other entities, either as an autonomous entity itself or as <br /> an empowered department or agency of an autonomous entity; <br /> 4. The entity is: (a) a special purpose unit of government; or(b) a city, village, or township <br /> that provides transportation services or facilities as part or all of its functions; or(c) a not- <br /> for-profit corporation whose chartered function under the laws of the State is to provide <br /> transportation; or(d) a member agency of the DUATS Technical Committee. <br /> Article 14. Equal Opportunity Assurance <br /> The participants of this Agreement hereby certify that as a condition of receiving Federal <br /> assistance to conduct transportation-planning activities, the participants will ensure: <br /> l. That the intent of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act (42 U.S.C. 2000d-1) which states, <br /> "No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin be <br /> excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination <br /> under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance,"is met; <br /> 9 <br />