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Cooperative Agreement Empowering the Decatur Urbanized <br /> Transportation Study (DUATS) <br /> 2002 <br /> This cooperative agreement is made and entered into by the following jurisdictions within the <br /> State of Illinois: the City of Decatur, the Decatur Public Transit System, the Decatur Park <br /> District, the Village of Forsyth, the Village of Mt. Zion, Macon County Regional Planning <br /> Commission, Macon County Board, and the State of Illinois acting by and through the Illinois <br /> Department of Transportation. This Agreement seeks to establish a cooperative <br /> intergovernmental framework for the purpose of coordinating and continuing transportation <br /> planning in and around the Decatur Urbanized Area. <br /> WITNESSETH THAT: <br /> WHEREAS 23 U.S.C. Section 134, and Section 1203 of the Transportation Equity Act <br /> for the 21 S` Century (TEA-21), requires that each urbanized area with a <br /> population of 50,000 or more, as a condition to the receipt of Federal <br /> capital, transportation or operating assistance, have a continuing, <br /> cooperative, and comprehensive transportation planning process that <br /> results in plans and programs consistent with the comprehensively planned <br /> development of the urbanized area; and <br /> WHEREAS the Governor of Illinois has designated the Macon County Regional <br /> Planning Commission (MCRPC) as the Metropolitan Planning <br /> Organization (MPO) responsible for cariying out the Section 134 planning <br /> requirements for the area in cooperation with the State; and <br /> WHEREAS the MCRPC has overseen the Decatur Urbanized Area Transportation <br /> Study (DUATS) as it performed comprehensive transportation planning <br /> for the Decatur Urbanized Area, in accordance with the above said Federal <br /> laws since 1964; and <br /> WHEREAS the metropolitan area planning boundary for the purpose of the federal <br /> planning provisions has been approved by the MPO and the Governor of <br /> the State of Illinois: <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS AGREED BY AND AMONG THE PARTIES HEREIN THAT: <br /> 1 <br />