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Article 3. Organization, General Powers and Duties <br /> 1. DUATS Shall consist of a Policy Committee, a Technical Committee, an Advisory <br /> Committee, and other standing or temporary/special purpose committees as needed to <br /> carry out the duties and functions of DUATS; <br /> 2. DUATS planning shall be guided by the Policy Committee, which shall have final <br /> authority over all matters within the jurisdiction of DUATS; <br /> 3. The Technical Committee shall be established for the purpose of providing technical <br /> advice and recommendations to the Policy Committee, and conducting or overseeing <br />, the technical planning functions and duties of DUATS; <br /> 4. The Advisory Committee, comprised of non-voting members from Federal and State <br /> Transportation agencies and other interest groups as deemed necessary, shall be <br /> established for the purpose of providing input to the Technical and Policy Committee <br /> on all transportation and related issues; <br /> 5. For administrative purposes, a local Lead Agency shall be designated. Unless <br /> otherwise changed by the Policy Committee, the Lead Agency for DUATS shall be i <br /> the Macon County Regional Planning Commission; I <br /> 6. For further administrative, coordinating and supervisory purposes, a Study Director �I <br /> shall be appointed within the local Lead Agency. Unless otherwise changed by the <br /> Policy Committee, the DUATS Study Director shall be the Executive Director of the <br /> Macon County Regional Planning Commission; <br /> 7. The State of Illinois, Department of Transportation and the City of Decatur's <br /> Planning Division shall assist the Lead Agency and the Study Director in securing <br /> data and source materials necessary to the effective accomplishment of the <br /> transportation planning process. <br /> Article 4. Policy Committee Membership <br /> The Policy Committee Membership shall be representative of the general-purpose units of <br /> government in the Planning Area and particularly those in the Urbanized Area. The Policy <br /> Committee shall consist of the following persons or their duly authorized representatives: <br /> 1. City of Decatur: Mayor, <br /> 2. County of Macon: Chairman, County Board, <br /> 3. State of Illinois: District Engineer, District 5, <br /> 4. Village of Mt. Zion: Village President, <br /> 3 <br />