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4. Policy Committee actions on issues which determine the use or allocation of Federal funds <br /> shall require a majority vote of not less than the total number of Policy Committee <br /> members minus one (1). Unless otherwise more strictly specified in other parts of this <br /> Agreement, all other issues shall be decided by a simple majority vote of the quorum <br /> present for the meeting; <br /> 5. Formal minutes shall be kept of all Policy and Technical Committee meetings; <br /> 6. All meetings shall be open to the public,held in places accessible to the handicapped and <br /> conducted in accordance with the Illinois Open Meetings Act; <br /> 7. Voting and representation through another person authorized to act for a member(Proxy) is <br /> permitted on the Policy Committee. Authorization must be in the form of a written <br /> statement from the official member giving proxy. Such authorization may be permanent or <br /> limited at the discretion of the official member granting proxy. Absentee voting is not <br /> allowed; <br /> 8. Proxy voting and representation is permitted on the Technical Committee, to the extent <br /> needed. Written authorization is not required, but new persons or persons not normally <br /> representing member agencies shall announce which member agency they are authorized to <br /> represent at the start of the meeting. Absentee voting is not provided for and no single <br /> person may represent or vote for more than one member agency at any given meeting; <br /> 9. The business of the Policy and Technical Committee meetings shall be conducted in <br /> accordance with the following and in the same order of priority to avoid conflict: (1)the <br /> terms of this Agreement, (2) applicable by-laws of DUATS, if any, and(3)Roberts Rules <br /> of Order; <br /> 10. Policy Committee actions approving the Long Range Transportation Plan, Transportation <br /> Improvement Program, and the Unified Transportation Planning Work Program shall be <br /> made in the form of written resolutions through formal motions at the meetings. Policy <br /> Committee actions or directions to the Technical Committee, Study Director or staff may <br /> be made in the form of motions. All official actions and the votes thereon shall be recorded <br /> in the minutes. Most Technical Committee actions will be in the form of motions,which <br /> make recommendations or deliver information to the Policy Committee. <br /> Article 12. New Membership Criteria and Terms — Policy Committee <br /> New members may be added to the Policy Committee by simple amendment to this Agreement <br /> whereby the amendment is unanimously agreed to by the Policy Committee. However, it is <br /> agreed that all the following criteria be met when considering new Policy Committee <br /> membership: <br /> 1. The new entity should be an incorporated village or city, whole or partially, within the <br /> Decatur Urbanized Area; <br /> , g <br />