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Page 2 <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The Hubbard Avenue / Rea's Bridge Road Connector is proposed as a three lane road that <br /> connects with Hubbard Avenue on the west end and Rea's Bridge Road on the east end (see <br /> attached location map). In 1993, the firm of Blank, Wesselink, Cook and Associates (BWC) <br /> completed a comdor study to recommend possible corridors for a roadway linking 22nd / 27th <br /> Streets with Brush College Road. The study pointed to a connector linking Hubbard Avenue <br /> with Rea's Bridge Road, extending through the Caterpillar complex, as the best location for the <br /> proposed roadway. In 1995, City staff, with input from Caterpillar,prepared an alignment for the <br /> proposed roadway and BWC completed a property survey of the alignment. Preliminary design <br /> work for this roadway began in 2000 with final design work in 2001. <br /> To date, all right of way has been acquired for the proposed improvement, the Illinois <br /> Department of Transportation and the Federal Highway Administration have approved the final <br /> design and authorized 80% funding on the eligible construction contingent upon City Council <br /> authorization of the attached resolutions and ordinances. The project is currently scheduled to be <br /> advertised early in 2002 with a bid opening date of March 8, 2002. It is expected that <br /> construction will begin in April, 2002 and completed by the end of November, 2002. <br /> Associated with the Agreement are two resolutions authorizing agreements with the Illinois <br /> Central Railroad and Illinois Power Company along with the standard requirements by IDOT that <br /> the City approve, by ordinance, permanent motor vehicle parking restrictions within the project <br /> limits; a prohibition of the release of waste water into storm sewers; and the regulation of <br /> encroachments into the public right-of-way. The items are described below in the order they <br /> appear in your packet. All of these items must be approved for the ultimate City / State <br /> agreement to take effect. <br /> 1. Resolution authorizing an agreement for Local Agency Railway-Highway G�-ade <br /> Crossing Improvements. <br /> This resolution authorizes an agreement with the Illinois Central Railroad Company to <br /> provide an interconnection between traffic signals proposed to be installed at the <br /> intersection of Hubbard Avenue and Route 48. A railroad - traffic signal interconnect <br /> enables the traffic signals to respond to train traffic and eliminate any vehicular traffic <br /> movements that would conflict with the train. <br /> The City / Illinois Central Raikoad agreement is for a total cost of $68,510.00 with a <br /> Federal reimbursement of 80% or$54,808.00. <br />