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Page 4 <br /> Included in the City's cost is an estimated $160,000 for the extension of a water line from <br /> 27th Street to Brush College Road. The FHWA will not participate in the water line <br /> extension as it is not crucial to the roadway construction. This work is proposed to loop <br /> water service in the area to enable a more reliable water distribution system and better <br /> water pressures through the area. This line will also serve any development that may <br /> occur along the Connector. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: Illinois Department of Transportation <br /> Illinois Central Railroad <br /> Illinois Power Company <br /> Blank, Wesselink, Cook and Associates ' <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Matt Newell, City Engineer at 424-2747 II <br /> The City Engineer, Matt Newell, will be in attendance at the City Council meeting to answer any <br /> questions of the Council on this item. <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> The estimated participating roadway construction costs for this project will be borne by the City <br /> in the amount of $624,000 (20%) and $2,496,000 (80%) by Federal government. The City's <br /> estimated cost for nonparticipating construction (water main extension) is $160,000 (100%). <br /> The City's estimated costs for railroad and utilities work will be $39,000 (20%, after <br /> reimbursement) and$156,000 (80%)by Federal government. <br /> Funding for this project is currently budgeted in the General Capital Improvement Fund <br /> ($663,000) and in the Water Capital Projects Fund ($160,000). The City's total cost is estimated <br /> to be $823,000.00. <br /> attach: 7 <br /> cc: John Smith, Assistant City Manager for Public Services <br /> Robert Dean, Blank, Wesselink, Cook&Associates <br /> Keith Alexander, Director of Water Management <br />