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, - •� . <br /> CITY Liability 100% $ 120,000 <br /> COMPANY Liability(Betterment) 0% $ <br /> COMPANY Liability(other than Betterment) 0% $ <br /> TOTAL 100% $ 120,000 <br /> Reimbursement for the cost of CITY's liability will be on the basis of actual cost. <br /> 5. The COMPANY may submit (in sets of four) progressive invoices to the CITY, <br /> not more often than monthly, for partial payments of completed work. These progressive <br /> invoices shall not be for amounts less than five hundred dollars ($500.00). The progressive <br /> invoices may be based on an estimated percentage of the work completed. <br /> For Actual Cost Reimbursement, the COMPANY, upon completion of its work, shall <br /> render to the CITY a detailed statement (in sets of four) of the actual cost and expense incurred <br /> by it or for its account. After the CITY's representatives have verified that the work is complete <br /> and have checked the progressive invoices and the final statement and have agreed with the <br /> COMPANY's representatives that the costs are reasonable and proper, insofar as they are able to <br /> ascertain, the CITY shall promptly reimburse the COMPANY for the amount of the final bill, or <br /> the estimated cost as shown in Section 4 above, including such additional amounts as may be <br /> authorized and approved by the CITY (such authorization not to be unreasonably withheld), <br /> whichever is less. <br /> The COMPANY shall maintain, for a minimum of 5 years after the completion of the <br /> contract, adequate books, records, and supporting documents to verify the amounts, recipients, <br /> and uses of all disbursements of funds passing in conjunction with the contract; the contract and <br /> all books, records, and supporting documents related to the contract shall be available for review <br /> and audit by the Auditor General and other CITY Auditors; and the COMPANY agrees to <br /> cooperate fully with any audit conducted by the Auditor General and other CITY Auditors, and to <br /> provide full access to all relevant materials. Failure to maintain the books, records, and <br /> supporting documents required by this Section shall establish a presumption in favor of the CITY <br /> for the recovery of any funds paid by the CITY under the contract for which adequate books, <br /> records and supporting documentation are not available to support their purported disbursement. <br /> After the STATE or CITY representatives have audited the expenses as incurred by the <br /> COMPANY, including such amounts as may have been suspended from any previous payment, <br /> the CITY shall promptly reimburse the COMPANY for the suspended amounts, less the <br /> deduction of any item(s) of expense as may be found by the STATE or CITY representatives as <br /> not being eligible for reimbursement. If the total of the item(s) of expense as may found by the <br /> STATE or CITY representatives as not being eligible for reimbursement exceeds any amounts <br /> which may have been suspended, then the COMPANY shall promptly reimburse the CITY for <br /> the overpayment. <br /> 2 <br />