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L1606 rel 5-3 Trane. 5/3/01 <br /> . � � , � <br /> � <br /> Tnnsmission Proj�et Loadfag Summary Shset <br /> Notes <br /> Total Matenal Cost 599.500 Entered by User <br />' Matenal Cost(Resource 350) 522,500 Entered by User <br /> Matenal Cost to receiva complete loading 517.000 Total Matenal Cost-A8G loaded Matenal Cast <br /> (Resource 310 through 319) <br /> ConswcCon Hours 200 Entered by User <br /> Installation Cost 515,000 Entered by User <br /> Engineenng,Oraffting,and Inspectian% 0% Entered by User <br /> i <br /> Engineenng.Orafting,and Inspeetion Houn Calculaud: Construction Moun'Eng.,Orefting,8 Insp.% <br /> OR Entered by User <br /> ETS Average Cost per Hour 545 Enterod by Uxr <br /> Engineering,Dra(ting,and Inspection Cost 58,100 Engmeering,Drafting,and Inspection Hours'ETS Avg.CosUHr <br /> Contract Engineering Cost SO Entered by User.Total cost for contracted engineenng <br /> i <br /> Testing Hours 0 Entered by User <br /> t <br /> Testing Average Cost per Hour SO Entered by User <br /> Testing Cast 50 ! Testing Hours'Test Avg.CosUHr <br /> � <br /> Material loading 519.910 ((Matl Cost(Res.350)'Elec.A&G%)+(Matl Cost(Res.310-319)'(Elee.A&G°h+Matl%))) <br /> Labor Loading for ETS(Indudes Elect Eng ; <br /> to Cap Rate on all Contrad Labor Charges ; Eng.,Dreft,&Insp.cost'(Labor 1%+��r 2°h+Elee.A&G°h*Eled Eng to Cap Rate)+��nst <br /> &A8G on Expenses) � 510,149 ' eost&Cantrad Eng'Elect Eng ro Cap Rate)+(Expenses'Eleet A&G) <br /> Testing Cost•(Labor 1°h+Labor 2°k+Labor 3%+Elee.A8G%;Supervisan°h*Elect Eng to <br /> Labor Loading for Testing Hours 50 ' Cap Rate) <br /> Expenses 5255 Expense accounts,other norNabor expenses <br /> Row/Easments 525,000 Entered by user <br /> Total Cost 5118,000 MaYI Cost(ASG load)+MaYI Cost(full)*ETS Cost+Test Cost+Mat'I�oad+lahor Load(ETS)+ <br /> Labor load(Test)+Inst Cast+Loaded Expenses+Cont Eng.Cost+Row/Easment Cost i <br /> Salvable SO Entered by User <br /> NonSalvable f118,000 TotalCost-Salvable <br /> Removal 22.000 Enterad by User <br /> � <br /> i i <br /> Assumptlons(plaase enter below) <br /> Steel single shak selfsupparting pole to replace hvo existing wood poles 8 one stub pole. <br /> Two ad'acent wood poles will have to be mod�ed or replaced. I <br /> Page 1 5/3/01 <br />