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� ASStGNMENT <br /> The COMMLTMTX INVESTMENT CORPORATION OF DECATUR("CICD"),an Illinois not <br /> for profit corporation, for and in cvnsidera�ion of Ten Dollars ($10.00) and other good and valuable <br /> consideration, hereby assigns tv thc CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS ("CYTY"), all of its rights and <br /> interest� in tbat Option Memorandum bcrivicen the C1CD and TICK PROPERTTES signcd by the CICD <br /> on May 14,2000, concerning the fol�owing-describcd parcels: <br /> Parcel A <br /> 322 North Main Strcct(parking lot) Parccl ID#4412-I 5-237-007 <br /> 332-328 North Main Street(vacant) Parcel 1D#0�}-12-15-237-OOG <br /> Pa ce <br /> 306-312 North Water Strcct; <br /> 3I 1 North State Strect(vacant) Parccl IDt;(k1-12-14-109-005 <br /> 324 Nor��+Water Sxeri(:�acant) Ya�-cel ID�04-I2-14-109-t�04 <br /> 328 North Watcr Street(vaeant} Parcei ID#04-12-14-109-003 <br /> 340 North Wattr Strcct(vacant) Parccl 1D�F04-12-14-109-002 <br /> 22l East North Street; 364,356, <br /> 354 North Watcr Street Parccl ID#04-12-14-109-001 <br /> (U.S. Recruiting Station,TMS, Parcel in#44-30-00-000-205 <br /> Fannic May,J's Rugs) <br /> Pacce ' <br /> 317 North Water Strcet(v�cant) Parccl ID#04-12-15-237-016 <br /> 363 North Water Strcet(Safe School) Pazccl ID#04-12-15-237-011 <br /> By its acceptance hcrcof, the CITY hereby assumes all rights and obligations of the CICn under <br /> said Uption Mcmorandum,and the CTCD has no further intcrest therein. <br /> COMMUNITY IN�FSTMENT CORPORATION <br /> OF DECATU.R,("CICD"), . <br /> gy ,'�i1'1. �'� <br /> ACCEPTLl7: Date: 3 OD <br /> CITY OF DECATUR, ILLINOIS, <br /> By <br /> Datc: � bb <br /> APpItOvED: <br /> TICK PROPERTIES, <br /> By_____ � �= � � . <br /> Date: f' °6 <br /> E�H 161T A <br />