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. <br /> contaminated soil and groundwater in the Right-of-Way as a result of the release of <br /> Contaminants at this Site by the Owner/Operator. The City has documented those <br /> costs for Owner. Those costs amount to (Not Applicable). A cashier's check made <br /> payable to "City of Decatur" shall be tendered to the City at the time OwneNOperator <br /> furnishes a signed Agreement to the City for its signature. That check will be deposited <br /> when this Agreement is signed by all necessary parties. <br /> 8. This Agreement shall be binding upon all successors in interest to the Owner/ <br /> Operator and to the City. A successor in interest of the City would include a highway <br /> authority to which the City would transfer jurisdiction of the highway. <br /> 9. Violation of the terms of this Agreement by Owner/Operator, or their successors in <br /> interest, may be grounds for voidance of this Agreement as a Highway Authority <br /> Agreement. Violation of the terms of this Agreement by the City will not void this <br /> Agreement, unless the IEPA has determined that the violation is grounds for voiding this <br /> Agreement as a Highway Authority Agreement and the City has not cured the violation <br /> within such time as IEPA has granted to cure the violation. <br /> 10. This Agreement shall continue in effect from the date of this Agreement until the <br /> Right-of-Way is demonstrated to be suitable for unrestricted use and there is no longer <br /> a need for this Agreement as a Highway Authority Ag�eement, and the IEPA has, upon <br /> written request to the IEPA by the Owner/Operator and notice to the City, amended the <br /> notice in the chain of title of the Site to reflect unencumbered future use of that highway <br /> Right-of-Way. <br /> 11. This Agreement does not limit the City's ability to construct, reconstruct, improve, <br /> repair, maintain and operate (collectively "Work") a highway upon its property or to <br /> allow others to use the highway Right-of-Way by permit. To the extent necessary for its <br /> Work, the City reserves the right and the right of those using its property under permit to <br />