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Mr. Keith D. Alexander <br /> City of Decatur <br /> Page 4 <br /> March 27, 2001 <br /> 8. Improvement Costs and Phasing <br /> a. Prepare an opinion of probable cost for main improvements for the three treated <br /> water supply options. <br /> b. Develop phasing program for the main improvements. <br /> c. Prepare a description of improvements needed for the projected increases in water <br /> demands over the 25-year planning period. <br /> 9. Meetings and Reports <br /> a. Create a dra of th r <br /> ft e e ort incrementall and send to the Cit for review as the stud <br /> P Y Y Y <br /> progresses. The OWNER shall review and approve these sections as they are <br /> submitted. The approved information will then be utilized to create the subsequent <br /> report sections. <br /> b. Hold three face-to-face meetings to discuss the progress of the services and to receive <br /> the OWNER's input. Hold monthly telephone meetings during those months that <br /> face-to-face meetings are not held. <br /> c. Send to OWNER five complete drafts of the report for review. '� <br /> d. Hold final meeting to discuss OWNER review comments and finalize the report. lil <br /> e. Send OWNER 20 copies of the final report. <br /> f. One copy of the distribution system modeling files in WaterCAD format will be <br /> submitted to the OWNER upon completion of the project. <br /> g. Make one team presentation of the final report to the City Council at the end of the <br /> project. <br /> Service Elements Not Included <br /> The following services are not included under the scope of this Agreement. If such services are <br /> required of the ENGINEER, they shall be provided by an amendment to the Agreement or <br /> through a separate Agreement with the OWNER. <br /> 1. Design or Construction Services. The PROJECT fee does not include any detailed <br /> facility design construction services preliminary layouts, archaeological or wetland <br /> investigations, flood studies, hazardous contamination reviews, or detailed siting <br /> investigations. <br /> MGO:j li\\\SA 1\VOL 1\CORPDATA\W ORDP\AGR�Decatur.Agr.2-624-009.doc S T RA N D <br /> ASSOCIATES,INC. <br />