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. <br /> , • � <br /> While it is likely that expert consulting services far major water system modeling will still be <br /> necessary within the foreseeable future, staff reliance on outside input will be reduced. This will <br /> provide the City greater flexibility in its design and decision making processes. <br /> Attached hereto is a copy of the catalog cutout for the proposed water distribution modeling <br /> package staff proposes. Training has been proposed in the FY 2001-2002 budget. <br /> Staff recommends that the package be procured immediately to enable staff to become familiar <br /> with the software prior to the summer training that is proposed. <br /> POTENTIAL OBJECTION: There are no known objections. <br /> INPUT FROM OTHER SOURCES: None <br /> STAFF REFERENCE: Matt Newell, City Engineer(424-2747) <br /> BUDGET/TIME IMPLICATIONS: <br /> The cost for acquiring the water distribution modeling package is $7,995. <br /> This package will be ordered immediately upon approval by the City Council. <br /> attach: 2 <br /> cc: John Smith, Assistant City Manager of Public Services <br />