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, RPr 11 O1 08: 35a SKS Engineers Inc 217-877-4816 p.2 <br /> � 5. That should the CITY require changes to the contract documents after they have <br /> been compieted in accocdance with the contract or as a�esu{t of policy changes by <br /> ' the CITY during the time the work is undervvey the CITY shali pay the ENGINEER <br /> for such extra work in accordance with Section o#THE CITY AGREES. <br /> It is understood that "changes" as used ir� this section means basic changes in <br /> Iocation, design or sc�pe and that the provisions of this section shail in no way <br /> relieve the ENGINEER of his responsibility to prepare a complete and adequate set <br /> of documents satisfactory to the CITY. <br /> 6. That he will save harmtess the CtTY, and arty other govemmental agency, or any <br /> representative of the CITY of any other governmental agency from ai{ claims and <br /> liabilities dus ta ac#ivities af himself, his subcontractors, his ag�nts, or his <br /> employees. <br /> Insurance Coverage Requirements: <br /> 1.) Genera{ Liability Insurance, with a combined single iimit of$1,00O,OOQ for <br /> �ach accurrence and $2,000,000 in the aggrega#e. <br /> 2.) Automobile Compensation Insurance, with combined single limit of <br /> $1,OQO,OOQ for each person and$1,OQ0,0�0 for eacii accident <br /> 3.} Workers'compensation Insurance in accordanca with statutory requirements <br /> and Employers' and Employees' Liability Insurance. <br /> 4.) Professional Liability Insutance,with a limitof$1,Q00,000 annuaf aggregate. <br /> 7. That he will comply with a(I appiicabie Federat Statutes, State of Illinois Statutes, <br /> and local laws o�ardinances of the CITY. <br /> 8. That none of the services to be furnisf�ed by the ENGINEER Shall be suble#, <br /> assigned, or transferred to any other party or parties without written consent of the <br /> C ITY. <br /> 9. That al{ plans, specifications, estimates, plats, and other documertts fumished to <br /> the CITY by the ENGINEER in accordance with this AGREEMENT shall be <br /> endorsed by him and sha(f show his professional seal where such is required by <br /> {aw. <br /> 10. That payment by the CITY in accordance with Sections 3 and 4 of THE CITY <br /> AGREES will be considered as payment in full for all services rendered in <br /> accordance with this AGREEMENT. <br /> -2- <br />