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A'�'TACHMENT A <br /> WUIi�C ORDER NO.THREE TO <br /> SDI 1VIASTER 5ERVICE5 AGREEMF.NT <br /> SI)( CONSUI.'CAT3TS, L1'D. ("SDI") aLKees LO perfOrm fOL BORG-WARN'ER, 1NC.. ZEXGi. USA <br /> Cp{tPOF�AT,_ION.MUELLER GOMPANY,AND TH�CITY OF DECA'1'IJR ILLINOI3(collc:cdvely�efarcd to <br /> as the"CLIENT")the Services des�Yibed betow For the Project identificd belaw. The Scrviccs shal!be perfurn�ed <br /> subjcc.K to and upon the tv�ms and conditions set forth in SDY's Decembcr 30, 1994 Master Scrviccs A�eement, <br /> 11iis Work Orcicr is ineorporated in and a parl of the ARrecnunt. <br /> t'rajeet: Decatur Industiy,&Techno[o�y Center - Ze�l Curveou rea Serviacs: Lnvironmental <br /> 1)cscription: Phaac lIB Field Investiastion as outlined in SDI's Se�,ptecnUer l 8.2000 Aronosal jor Phase t!R Ficld <br /> /1tv�cl�QliaR. _...,, <br /> SDI'� Com�cszsation: D�at)�r Indu&trv 8:'rechnoloQv Center Participants- 552.300 on a timc end mAtCciAIS <br /> hasis. Zcxcl Carvcout ArcH nrtici ants-S7 24 on A urr�e and matcnals basis. �.� <br /> APPROVAi.AND ACCE�Qri� <br /> '1'Itis Work OrJas and the Scope of Services dc�ned herein are approved. 5Df is hzreby dit'ected and authoriced to <br /> proceed with the Setviees for the designaud Pruject in accordar►cc with the provisions of this Work Order nnd the <br /> M�ster Serviccs Abrcement. <br /> SI�M C. ''.LTD. <br /> Fiy: ,,,_� .. <br /> [)stc Signed: Sentembcr 5}2000 __ <br /> Nwnc: Tt.Llamon„).c� - <br /> Tit]e: Dir„Mctor of HnvironmeTstal Redevclopmcnt <br /> .!� ���'� <br /> TlQYtG-WARNT.It,INC. C:1TY OF DE� L�,rNOi . <br /> ny. , �y; � " ✓,' .._,r <br /> Datc sig,sed: ._.. Aace signca: 2 0�/ �6 Q(} <br /> Namc: f.aurrnc A,�Ionsznv _ Name: Stevo Garmfut <br /> 'Titic: Gcncral Counscl .,,, '!'idc: GTtv Msna�cr <br /> MUEI.a.l4lt C.OMPANY ZEXEL U5A CORPORAf1OIV <br /> 13Y: _._...... _..._ By: <br /> Date Sibncd: ,_�.,,,..___ DatC Siened: <br /> N�m�: __ Pcrcr Flcmistcr Name: Robcrt Caston <br /> 1'itle: Assiri&nt Secretary Titic:: Vice Pre.sidcnt anci Gcntral Cot)M e�l , <br />