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Table 1. Monitoring Stations and Sampling Frequency in the Lake Decatur Watershed. <br /> Drainage <br /> Station area Sampling <br /> number Location (sq mi) Frequency* <br /> 101 Long/Big Creek at Twin Bridge Road 46.2 W, P <br /> 102 Friends Creek at Rte 48 near Argenta 111.9 W, P <br /> 104 Camp Creek near White Heath 47.2 W, P <br /> 105 Sangamon River near Mahomet 368.2 W, B, P <br /> 106 Big Ditch near Fisher 38.2 W, P <br /> 111 Sangamon River at Monticello 543.4 W, B, P <br /> *W-weekly sampling visits and collect only nitrate samples <br /> B—biweekly sampling and collect Arsenic, Boron, Sulfur,NVOC, and pH <br /> P—biweekly sampling for pH <br /> 3. Process and analyze annual data collection. The one year of data will be processed <br /> for water discharge (flow), nitrate concentrations, and nitrate loading for the six stations in the <br /> monitoring network. The whole dataset will be appended and analyzed to determine trends in <br /> flow and nitrates over time. <br /> 4. Public education. Assist the City of Decatur in public education by presenting the <br /> results of the data collection efforts at 'public and community meetings throughout the <br /> watershed. This will be performed by either principal investigator at City of Decatur specified <br /> organized meetings or conferences, which is approximated to be 3-5 times during the year. <br /> 5. Proposal deveiopment. Cooperate with the City of Decatur in developing proposals <br /> to state and federal agencies. The ISWS will provide reports in support of proposais the City <br /> may pursue to fund watershed management practices in the Lake Decatur watershed. <br /> 6. Prepare a final repor� The final report will include summaries of the data <br /> collection for this year and comparative analysis of the data. from other years. The report shail <br /> contain discussions of the results of precipitation records, stream flow, nitrate concentrations, <br /> and nitrate loading for the six stations listed in table 1 during the study period. The report will <br /> also include an appendix containing the results of the arsenic, boron, sulfur, NVOC, and pH data <br /> collection and analysis. <br /> DELIVERA.BLES <br /> The main product that will be delivered to the city will be the final report that <br /> summarizes the results of the study. A draft of this report (10 copies) will be delivered to the <br /> City of Decatur for their review 16 weeks after the end of the one-year data collection period, <br /> with the final report(approximately 50 copies) to be delivered 8 weeks later. <br /> 4 <br />