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� � � . <br /> Appendix I <br /> Task 1 -Site Inspection <br /> Harza will visit the site to inspect the areas identified in the 1999 Annual Inspection as needing repair. Two <br /> engineers will travel to Decatur and visit the dam to inspect the present condition of the concrete and identify <br /> other areas that may be in need of rehabilitation. During this visit, Harza will also investigate means of access <br /> to the site for the rehabilitation work. <br /> Task 2-Core and Test Shotcrete in Spillway Access Platform <br /> Harza will prepare a letter request for proposal to obtain a qualified subcontractor(s)to core the shotcrete and <br /> perform a petrographic analysis of the spillway access platform shotcrete. Harza will review the <br /> subcontractor's quotations and provide a recommendation of award to the City. Upon concurrence by the City, <br /> Harza will instruct the subcontractor to proceed with the shotcrete coring and petrographic analysis. The results <br /> of this testing are required to determine the appropriate rehabilitative measures necessary for the platform. The <br /> subcontractor's costs to perform the coring and petrographic analyses will be passed through to the City by <br /> Harza. We have included the estimated costs for these services as a separate line item in the Estimated Cost <br /> Schedule. Actual costs for the subcontracted services may be more or less than the estimated amount. Harza's <br /> costs to prepare the letter of proposal and review quotations is included under Task 2 on the Estimated Cost <br /> Schedule. The estimated subcontractor's fees does not include costs to set-up a work platform to obtain the core <br /> samples. Access and set-up at the site will need to be coordinated by the subcontractar with the City. Harza <br /> may assist the City with these coordination efforts as required. <br /> Task 3—Preparation of Technical Specifications and Drawings <br /> Under this task, Harza will prepare technical specifications and drawings suitable for obtaining bids for the <br /> embankment and concrete repairs. <br /> Harza will prepare technical specifications and design drawings for the embankment modifications and minor <br /> concrete repairs based on our observations during the 1999 Annual Inspection and those made on part of Task 1 <br /> - Site Visit. Harza will also prepare a Bid Schedule to be included in the City's Bid Package. <br /> The Bid Forms, proposed Contract Forms, and Contract General Conditions (Division 0 of the Specifications) <br /> will be prepared by the City. Harza will review the forms provided by the City, and may make <br /> recommendations for modification of these forms. The technical specifications and drawings provided by <br /> Harza will be incorparated into the Bid Package by the City. <br /> To assist us in preparation of the drawings,we anticipate that the City will provide Harza with copies of record <br /> drawings that the City may have for the Project, including drawings for the 1996 repair work. Several of these <br /> drawings are already in Harza's files, due to our recent work for the 1999 Annual Inspection. We assume that <br /> the City will make available to Harza all drawings not currently in our files that would be appropriate for <br /> review during this rehabilitative work. <br /> The drawings to be prepared by Harza will be suitable for construction with the expectation that the City will <br /> issue the Bid Documents for competitive bid and that the contract between the City and contractor will be a <br /> lump sum construction contract. We anticipate that one contractor will be able to complete the repairs. One <br /> draft set of technical specifications and drawings will be sent to the City for review. After receiving the City's <br /> comments, the specifications and drawings will be revised to address the comments received from the City. <br /> One final set of the revised package will be issued to the City, along with a CD Rom containing the electronic <br /> files for both the drawings and the technical specifications. The drawings will be provided as AutoCAD files. <br /> Harza will prepare an estimate of probable construction costs using the drawings with the City's comments <br /> incorporated. We have developed the following preliminary list of the drawings that we expect will be needed <br /> to complete the rehabilitation: <br /> Page 10 of 15 <br />