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< � � t <br /> Appendix IV <br /> APPENDIX IV—INSURANCE <br /> 6.0� Insurance <br /> A. E:v'GNEER shall procure and maintain insurancc as set forth in E:chibit G,"Insurance." <br /> ENGNEER shall cause OW�IER and OWv�R's Representanves to be Iisted as addinonal <br /> insureds on aay general liabiliry or prop�rry insurance policies carried 6y ENGL�IEER which arc <br /> aoplicable to the Projecc. <br /> B. OW�IER shall requue Contractor to purchasc aad maincain gcneral Iiabiliry and ocher insurance as <br /> specined in thc Contrsct Documenu and to cause ENGL�iEER and E�IGINEER's Consultana to <br /> be listcd as additionai insureds with respect to such liabiliry and ocher insurance purchased and <br /> maincaincd by Con�actor for che Project. <br /> C. �t any time. OWVtR may request that EVGI:IEER 1t OW�fER's sole espense, provide <br /> addiaonal irsurance coverage,inczeased luruu,or revised dtductibles that are more protecrivc <br /> cnaa chose spec�ec ia E.�chibit G. If so requested by OWNER, with che concu:rence of <br /> EVGINEER zad ii commerciatiy availa6le,ENGNEER saall obtain and shall reauire <br /> rVGINEER's Consultanu co obrain such addiaonai iasur3ace coverase, diffezeac luruts, or <br /> revised deducnbles ior such penods of t:me as reauested by OW�IER and Exhibic G Kzll be <br /> supplemenced to uicotporate �hese requiremen�s. <br /> Page 15 of 15 <br />