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the minimuxn amounts set forth herein shall not be construed to relieve SUBURBAN from its <br /> obligation to indemnify the City in excess of the coverage according to this agreement. <br /> 6.4 Each year during the term hereof, SUBURBAN shall furnish the CITY with a <br /> performance bond for a principal amount not less than the amount of the annual payment <br /> required hereunder from the CITY to SUBURBAN, conditioned on SUBURBAN well and truly <br /> performing this agreement that year in strict accord with the terms and provisions hereof. Said <br /> bond shall be executed by and with a surety company authorized to do business in the State of <br /> Illinois and acceptable to the CITY, and shall be subject to approval as to form and content by <br /> the CITY'S Corporation Counsel. Said bond shall be filed with the CITY on or before August <br /> 15, 2000, and on or before August 1 of each year thereafter. <br /> 6.5 The amount of the performance bond required by section 6.5 hereof may be reduced <br /> pro rata during the collection period, for good performance, at the request of SUBURBAN. <br /> VII BREACH <br /> 7.1 If SUBURBAN fails to observe the established leaf vacuuming requirements or leaf <br /> vacuuming schedule of service for more than two (2) consecutive working days, the CITY may <br /> serve notice on SUBURBAN that it is in breach hereof. If any such breach is not cured or <br /> remedied by SUBURBAN within ten (10) days after written notice thereof, the CITY may <br /> exercise any remedies provided by law for breach of contract. If SUBURBAN commences curing <br /> or remedying such default or defaults within said ten (10) days but is unable to complete such <br /> cure or remedy, then said period shall be extended for the period of time reasonably necessary to <br /> cure or remedy such breach. <br /> 7.2 If SUBURBAN, at any time during the term of this agreement, shall become <br /> insolvent, or if proceedings in bankruptcy shall be instituted by or against SUBURBAN, or if a <br /> receiver is appointed with regazd to any property of SUBURBAN or SUBURBAN makes an <br /> assignment for the benefit of creditors, such actions may be considered by the CITY a breach <br /> hereof, and the provisions of section 7.1 shall apply thereto. The provisions of this section do not <br /> in any way limit the applicability of section 7.1 to other incidents of breach. <br /> 7.3 The CITY shall be entitled to collect from SUBURBAN all costs and expenses <br /> incurred by the CITY in seeking or exercising any remedies for the breach hereof, or in filing suit <br /> to collect all or any part of the principal of SUBURBAN'S performance bond, including but not <br /> limited to reasonable attorneys' fees, and hereby expressly reserves the right to exercise any right <br /> or seek any remedy for breach provided by law. <br /> 7.4 In the event any provision contained in this agreement is breached by any party and <br /> thereafter waived by the other party, such waiver shall be limited to the particular party so <br /> waiving and the particular breach so waived, and shall not be deemed to waive any other <br /> concurrent, previous or subsequent breach hereunder. No waiver by any party shall be effective <br /> unless in writing and signed by the waiving party. <br /> 6 <br />